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Bruce continued to fly to the best of his ability, but it was his panicked voice that grabbed my attention. I stood and wiped my tears away with a harsh swipe from my hand. "Okay, come on. There's gotta be a gun on this thing" Bruce begged as I reached his side. "That looks like a gun" I pointed as we both looked to a brightly coloured button on the dash. Bruce hit the button and loud music suddenly boomed across the ship. Disco lights and loud noises caused us to jump and colourful fireworks and projections exploded from the side of the vessel.

The Grandmaster's voice was singing 'It's my Birthday' on a continuous loop and my senses were in overdrive. The distraction caused multiple ships behind us to crash almost instantly. Bruce shouted in celebration, but I couldn't help but stare at the portal before us. I looked behind at the ship's entrance and watched as Valkyrie and Thor leaped back onto the ship.

"Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus" Bruce stated as the duo came up behind us. Valkyrie and Thor had taken the two cockpit seats whilst Bruce and I were securely fastened next to one another in the back. Valkyrie had a large almost psychopathic grin across her face as the ship began to rattle and red light filled every possible area.

"Here we go!" She shouted as Bruce and I clung to each other in fear. Loud explosions filled my ears and bright flashing lights blinded me. I closed my eyes wanting nothing more than for all of this to go away. I wanted to wake up and find that everything had been a bad dream and Loki was still asleep in bed next to me. Why did my life have so many traumatic events and situations continuously?

The sheer power of the travel was forcing all of us against the backs of our seats. We couldn't have moved even if we wanted to. I'd now reopened my eyes and stared in fear and amazement as the angry red sky transitioned to purple and then a blinding white.

My eyes began to flutter open and adjust to the new black surroundings. I hadn't even realized I was about to pass out and now that I was awake once more I knew we'd made it. We were a few miles out from Asgard. With no hesitation Valkyrie set course for our home realm and within no time we saw the magnificent palace still standing proudly.

Valkyrie flew the ship above the bifrost. "I never thought I'd be back here" she stated as Bruce undid his seatbelt and stood for a better view of the amazing city. "I thought it would be a lot nicer" he began causing us to frown. "I mean not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire" Bruce finished causing me to also stand and see the new ruin of the planet. "Here, up here in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them" Valkyrie explained whilst looking at the ship's hologram.

"Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away" Thor planned heroically. "And get yourself killed?" I questioned. "The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard" Thor finished. "How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked as we continued to fly forward. "I have a man on the ground" Thor finished as we sped forward.

We landed the ship at the abandoned palace, Whilst Thor, Valkyrie and Bruce helped bring weapons and armour to the party ship I stood silently looking over Asgard. I shook my head as I thought back to Loki's reign before I turned at clamoured back onto the ship. As Bruce began the engines and we lifted into the air I heard Thor shout good luck to us as he awaited Hela in the palace. "Your majesty don't die" Brunnhilde breathed looking down on Thor. "You know what I mean."

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