5. the search for happiness.

Start from the beginning

"This morning." He informs me, picking up the papers that went flying out of my books. "Have you seen Koa?"

I nod, "Yes. He's acting really weird. I think I should get Mr.Griffen. He's really jittery and his eyes are red. Like he's high on drugs..."

"Shit!" He hisses. "Gotta go."

I follow far behind, going as fast as my legs will let me. Knox kneels beside Koas' seizing body, holding him on his side. I jog to the nurses office, telling Mrs.Hope what's happening.


I knock on the half open hospital room door. Knox raises his head from the palms of his hands, standing up and walking towards me.

"I made peach cobbler, I also brought some paper plates and forks." I give him a small sympathetic smile. I glance behind Knox, seeing Koas' limp body lie frozen, the only thing moving is the rising and falling of his chest. "How's he doing?"

Knox rubs his face, letting out a fretful sigh, "He's okay right now. The doctor said he consumed 4 different illegal drugs."

"Can I see him?"


I follow behind him, Princeton is sitting in a chair with his knees to his chest, his head on his knee caps, and a light snore escapes his lips. I place my hand on the bed railing. Koas' wrists are in restraints.

His eyes flutter open, his blue eyes scan the room. His arms shake violently, trying to break free from the cuffs.

"Whoa calm down Koa!" Knox places his hands on his arm.

"G-Get m-me out of he-here!" Droplets of sweat drip down his forehead, his breath quickens.

Knox places his hand on Koas chest, "Take a deep breath, Koa."


He nods and pats his chest, "Yeah bub, it's Knox."

His eyes light up at the sight of his older brother, "Wh-when did you get here?"

"This morning. I thought it was about time I saw my baby bros. I knew you'd be going crazy without me." He chuckles, giving Koa a knuckle sandwich.

The corner of Koas' lips lift into a smile, I haven't see that smile since Freshman year. "It's been awhile."

"Three months." Knox loosens the cuffs, allowing Koa to free his wrists.

I place the food I made on the side table. Koas head turns to me as I clank the dish against the lamp. "Sorry." I whisper. "I was just leaving."

"No, you can stay Opal."

"It's fine, it's late, and I don't want to impose. I just wanted to make sure Koa was okay." I tuck my hair behind my ear, "Feel better soon Koa." I give Koa a small smile before exiting the room. I brush my sweaty palms against my skirt.

I wish Koa could be happy. What a lonely world he must be in, to feel he needs to search for his happiness. Maybe if he stopped looking for his happiness, he'd realize it was right in front of him.

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