I take a bite of my French toast. "So are the kids in school" I ask. "Yeah, Charlotte and Christopher took them this morning after Grace and Braxton had breakfast" he tells me. "That's good, did they want to go?" "Grace did, she wanted to go see her friends. Braxton, not so much but he went anyway after I promised him I would go pick him up." "What does Alice have Charlotte and Christopher doing now that the kids are away at school?" "I don't know but I know she will be keeping them busy. She will find something for them to do."

"I'm glad everything is going good over there. I miss you" I admit. "I miss you too. How is that French toast" he asks. "It's good, not anything like the cooks make but it's still good. Call me if you need me. I'm going to eat my breakfast now" I say. "Okay, enjoy your breakfast" he says. "Thanks, love you, bye" I say. "Love you too. Bye clary" he says and I hang up.

I eat my French toast and drink my coffee and go back upstairs. When I go upstairs I see Casey, Tyler and Brooke getting ready. Brooke is in the bathroom doing makeup and casey and tyler are getting ready outside the bathroom since it looks like Brooke is hogging it. Ash is sitting in the bed watching TV.

"We don't have to be there until 9:15. I talked to Tessa. She is giving us 15 minutes to get there today after the opening time. When you are done getting dressed go upstairs and get breakfast and we can go" I tell them all. "What do you want me to do" Ash asks. "Just get dressed and we can go to breakfast. We will figure something out for you to do while we are at the store" I tell him. I sit on the bed and draw in my sketchbook.

Ash looks in his bags and picks out some clothes and goes in the bathroom. My phone rings again. I see its Tessa and hit answer. "Hi Tessa." "Hi clary, there is something I forgot to tell you earlier. When I found out through your mom that you were coming I let someone make an appointment to see you. She is getting married and wants you and only you to create her wedding dress" Tessa says. "Okay, well when is she coming?" "She's coming at 3 this afternoon. The only reason I didn't tell you this morning was because I kind of forgot she was coming until for some reason now." "Alright Tessa, I will figure something out when she comes." "Alright, see you soon clary." "Okay, bye Tessa" I say and hang up the phone.

I keep drawing in my sketchbook until everybody is ready for breakfast and I take them to the hotel restaurant since I am the one with the credit card. When they all eat their breakfast we start walking to the store. "I grabbed my phone charger in case you needed it" I tell ash. "Thanks" he says. "So when do you want us to introduce you to the clave as being part of the shadow world? Jace wants to know too" I ask him. "I don't know, but can we wait a little while so I can get used to living with my family in a real house" he asks. "Of course you can, just let me or Alice know when you want to have it and we will set up a date and time" I tell him. "Alright, but what about uncle Jace?" "You can tell him if you want but I thought it would be easier to tell Alice since you are living with her. She is the one that schedules all of the meetings and everything too." "Oh okay" Ash says.

"Ash, do you wear runes too like Mrs. Clary" Casey asks. "I have tried but it hurts" Ash admits. "I remember it hurt me too when I first started. Once you do it enough it gets easier and you get more accustomed to the feeling" I tell Ash. "So should I try again" Ash asks. "I think you should but its all completely up to you. I think Mark and Helen Blackthorn have learned to deal with it too and use them too" I tell Ash. "Who is that" he asks. "Mark and Helen blackthorn are like you in the way that they have both faerie and shadowhunter blood. They live in Los Angeles though" I tell Ash. "There are others like me" he asks. "Yes but they are the only ones know of though" I admit to him.

We get to the Herondale Designs store and Casey, Brooke and Tyler look around. "Let me show you three around and show you where you will be" Tessa tells them. She shows them around the store which is now two floors than when we first bought the store. Once she is done we all get to work helping around and selling clothes.

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