"I'm going to dinner with you later" I tell Logan. "You are?" "Yep, I'm bringing ash and three other people with me too." "Did Grace come too?" "No she didn't come. She has to go to school on Monday." "Oh, who's ash" he asks. "Jonathan's long lost son. You will meet him tonight" I tell Logan. "Okay" Logan says. "I'm going to leave. I'll see you tonight Lo" I tell him. "Bye clary" he says.

I go out to the front where I see ash looking around and Tessa is doing something on the computer. "You ready to go ash" I ask him. "Yeah, who made all of these clothes" he asks. "I designed them but we have someone who sews them together and makes them" I tell him. "That's cool" he says. "Bye tessa. Just text me later" I say and Ash and I leave the store.

"What do Nana and Papa do?" "Mom works here at the store and Luke, your papa, owns a bookstore. I will show it to you eventually. Its probably closed right now or Maya is working it." "That's cool. I never thought of you being a designer. Janus described you of being the more artistic type" Ash says as we walk down the side walk. "I do that too but designing and having my own clothing line is more of a side job. I do love to draw and paint but I only do that for myself. I have my own art room at the castle and everything but nobody has seen the inside of it but me." "Thank you for all of this stuff aunt clary" Ash thanks me. "Of course Ash. When Olivia is finished sewing the clothes I told her to make for you, you will have your own clothes too before I send the designs off to be made for the store before they will be sold" I tell him. "That sounds cool" he says.

We keep walking towards the hotel when suddenly ash stops. "Ash" I ask. He looks off in the distance glaring. I look where he is and see someone who looks exactly like Jace. But Jace is in idris. Right? He motions us over.

Ash and I walk over. "Come here clary, I have missed you" Jace says. "We have only been gone for 3 and a half hours" I tell him. "But it is too long for me" he says. I take a step forward and Ash puts a hand out in front of me, stopping me. "Don't. Its not who you think it is" he tells me making me confused. "What do you want Janus" Ash asks. That explains a lot. Jace is okay with me being away from him for a short while. "I just want a chance to see my clary again. Is that so wrong" Janus asks. "Its not if that was all your intentions were. What is it you really want" Ash asks. "You know me too well ash. Why did you leave" Janus asks. "I couldn't stay any longer. I was not happy at that house where you would disappear. I wanted something nobody in faerie or you would ever give me. I did not want someone to leave so that is why I left Janus. Now go back to faerie" Ash tells Janus. "Come on Ash, you can't really want me to leave" Janus says. "Go" Ash commands. "Fine, I will go, but I want clary" Janus says. "Not a chance. Aunt Clary is staying with me" Ash says. "You want her? You will have to kill me first. I am pretty sure my mother does not want to hear the news of me dead. And by your hands nonetheless." Janus seems to think for a few minutes. "Fine" Janus says and walks away.

"Why did you use the seelie queen as your way out" I ask. "Janus has grown in her favor. He grew high in her kingdom while I was stuck in a house on the cliff. He would fall greatly if he killed me and she found out" ash explains. "If he is anything like Jace, falling down in your ranks is not an easy thing to live with and it would crush him. But why does she like Janus so much" I ask ash. "I wish I knew, I don't want you going anywhere I can't protect you. I know you are strong but Janus is smarter than people give him credit for. He trained me and taught me how to fight when Sebastian almost gave up on me. I don't trust him, especially since he knows you are out here in New York" ash says. He makes a point. He is the only one who knows Janus and what he is capable of. Ash is worth something to Janus and so am I. "We will protect each other while here in New York. We are both worth something to him. When we eventually go back home we will be safer. I won't tell jace now, I don't want to worry him, I will tell him when we get back to idris" I tell ash. He nods.

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