Good or Evil; you choose (Hero! Choromatsu x Villain! reader)

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For MatryoshkaVerde

I was watching over a caged Choromatsu as my father works on his machine. I saw Choromatsu messing with the collar on his neck. My father had created it and it was able to diminish powers. "No matter how much you struggle it won't come off." I say and walk over to him. "Why are you doing this?" He asks and I sigh "you're a hero, I'm a villain. Duh." I say and walk over to look at security feed.

"But you aren't a villain." He says and I whip around to stare at him. "What?" I ask and he sighs "you're not the villain. Your father is." He says and I scoff "my father is a villain so that means I am too." I say and turn away "No. Y/n, You choose if you're a villain or not." I huff and cross my arms "what about the time we spent together before this whole mess? Remember how happy you were?"

"...I was just following my father's instructions. To pretend and-" "but you weren't pretending. Y/n I know genuine happiness and I saw that when you smiled." He says and I glance at him. "If that wasn't the most genuine smile ever then I am foolish." He says with a smile and I stare at him. "It's my fate to be a villain. You can't change that." I say and he hums "Well then I can die trying because I know you can be good. I know how much you want to be good."

I stare at him as he smiles and look down. Before I could even say anything alarms went off. Alarms that meant a security breech. I look up at the screens to see his brothers. "You can choose to be like your father or you can come with me and be like my brothers and I. It's your choice y/n." He says and I glance at him before looking at the screens to see his brothers working together against my father's guards.

I drop my head and walk over to Choromatsu. I open the cell door and reach up to remove the collar. "I..I don't want to be a bad guy anymore...I" Choromatsu lifts my head and I feel tears leaving my eyes "I want to be good. I want to be with you." I say and he hugs me close. I hug him tightly and he pulls away to kiss my forehead. "Then let's get out of here." He says and grabs my hand. I blush softly before we run.

We made it to where the guards were fighting his brothers and I saw Choromatsu's eyes glow green before he summons vines to wrap around the guards, capturing them. I whistle as I was impressed and he smirks. His brothers turn to him with smiles but tense when they saw me. I shyly wave at them " sorry.." I say and hid behind Choromatsu.

Choromatsu smiles and steps aside to pat my head "don't worry. She isn't a threat but let's get out of here." He says and they nod before we all left. As we ran I couldn't stop the smile that came to my face. Choromatsu was right this is what I wanted but was too afraid. Now I had what I wanted. Not just to be good but to be free. I felt happy and free the moment I left the building. I left the building and didn't look back.

Others don't get to decide who you are. Only you get to decide that. It is your choice whether you want to live in the darkness as a villain or out in the light as a hero. Choromatsu opened my eyes to that and I'm happy to be with him.

I am also happy to say I made the right choice and I will never regret my decision for as long as I live.

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