Presenting (Alpha! Karamatsu x Omega! reader)

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Before reading this I should explain that the reader actually lives with the matsunos. The reader has a problem with living alone so she lives with her friends.

I was hanging out with Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu in their bedroom. Ichimatsu was one of the omegas in the family, Todomatsu being the other. Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu were both betas. That leaves Osomatsu and Karamatsu who were Alphas. The other four were currently out of the house. I hadn't presented yet so everyone assumes that I'm a beta. Boy were they wrong.

We were just talking normally when I felt strange. I felt hot all over as sweat dripped from my face. I was also in slight pain. I wrap my arms around my waist and whine. "Eh? Y/n what's wrong?" Jyushimatsu asks and I saw Ichimatsu sniff before his eyes widen. "I d-don't k-know." I say between pants before Ichimatsu stood up.

"Jyushimatsu. Watch over y/n." Ichimatsu says and Jyushimatsu tilts his head before wrapping his arms around me. "Why niisan?" He asks as Ichimatsu went to the door "I have to go but suppressants." Jyushimatsu hums as I snuggle close to Jyushimatsu. "Are you in heat niisan?" Jyushimatsu asks and Ichimatsu shook his head

"I'm not but she is."

With that he rushed out to the store. My eyes widen as Jyushimatsu held me protectively. I was in heat..this was what heat felt like..then that means I'm.. "I'm an omega." I whine out and Jyushimatsu scratches my head. I moan softly as it felt so good. I was shaking as I felt a certain part lubricate. My sensitivity was through the roof as Jyushimatsu helps me by scratching my head.

"This helps right. It helps Ichimatsu-niisan and Totty."

I nod and lean into his touch. My ears twitch slightly when I hear the front door open but my nose picked up a strong alpha scent. "Hello? Anyone home?" I hear Karamatsu call out before coming upstairs. I hear him stop outside the door and could hear him sniff. He can smell my scent. That's just great. I thought with a whine before Karamatsu opens the door.

"Who's in heat?"

He sounds calm so I turn to face him. He seems calm if not a little flushed in the face. That told me he had self control. "It's y/n! Apparently she has presented as an omega and went into heat not long ago!" Jyushimatsu explains and Karamatsu hums. "Jyushimatsu go outside and if anyone comes back, beside Ichimatsu and Todomatsu, tell them what's going on and if he tries to come up I'll keep y/n safe." He says and Jyushimatsu nods before leaving.

I whine as he leaves and Karamatsu closes the door. He walks over and scratches my head. I hum and moan softly as his fingers graze my sweet spots. "Does that help you?" I nod and lean into his touch. "Okay I'll set up the futon and do this until Ichimatsu gets back, okay?" He asks and I nod. He pulls away and sets up the futon before pulling both of us under the cover.

He continued scratching my head along with my back like he promised. I moan softly before snuggling up to his chest. Which was probably not a good idea because he got a better sense of my scent but he continued to stay calm, except tensing up every now and then.

Ichimatsu came back and gave me the suppressant and I felt much better. I now had to share suppressants with Ichimatsu and Todomatsu along with share the responsibility of buying more when it was my turn to do so.

All I know is that I was happy that Karamatsu came to my rescue and helped restrain the desires of my heat.

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