Heat: Osomatsu 🍋(Dog! Matsu Bros x Cat! Reader) Lemon

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Warning this is a lemon where both the brothers and you are animals. If that at all makes you uncomfortable please do not read this.

With that out of the way let's get started.

I was playing with a jingle ball as Chibita tosses it back and forth. I mewl happily as I bat the ball back to him but whine softly when he looks at the clock instead of batting it back. He stood up and pet my head "sorry girl, I have to start work." I mewl sadly but nod. He smiles and scratches my back before heading out. "Bye y/n. See you when I get home." I mewl out a goodbye before he closed the door.

I play with the ball with a smile before getting bored. I roll onto my back and thought maybe I can go see my mates. Yeah I'll do that. I roll over and stand up. I hop onto the windowsill and hop out the window. From there I walk to their house and I was currently in an alleyway that was near.

That's when a sudden warmth hit me. I felt hot all of a sudden. I try ignoring it as it was summer and was a warm day. But then I started to stagger so I lay down, panting softly. "Oh no. No. No." I mumble "are you kidding me?" I whine softly. I was in heat. Why now? Why right when I leave my home? I sigh and shakily stand up but that's when I noticed an alley cat looking at me curiously before walking over.

"Don't even think about it." I hiss but nudge his head on mine, nuzzling under my chin. I gasp and pull away to hiss softly at him while clawing at him but he kept nuzzling me. "Stop that." I hiss before hearing a growl. I tilt my head to see Ichimatsu with a glare and barred teeth. I was happy to see him and luckily that growl he gave scares the other cat off.

Ichimatsu then carefully got me onto his back carrying me to his house. "You okay y/n?" He asks and I just bury my face into the crest of his neck. Taking in his scent which did not help my heat. I mewl softly and saw a small blush on his face as we enter his house. He brought me to their shared room. He sets me down on the floor where I squirm a bit.

"What's wrong with y/n?" Karamatsu asks and Ichimatsu hums. "I'm not sure." He says and Osomatsu walks over. I look up at him with my ears folded back. His eyes widen slightly "y/n..are you..in heat?" I blush as everyone looked at me. I nod shyly

"mmhm..it started as I was walking over." I say with a whine before patting at Osomatsu's leg "please help me" I whine out and he blushed along with his brothers. "You want our help?" He asks and I nod. Osomatsu glances at his brothers and they nod before leaving the room.

He lays down and nuzzles my face. I hum and nuzzle back before nuzzling my body against his. When that was done Osomatsu was blushing before I lean in to lick his face. He pants softly before licking your face and laying me on my back. I let out purr as he licks my soft underbelly. It was like he was cleaning me but it felt so good right now.

"Did you purr?"

I nod and he smiles before licking the tip of my nose. "I like it when you purr." I blush before licking his muzzle and kiss him softly. I kept purring as Osomatsu gently paws at my fluffy underbelly. I pull back with a mewl and flip over before sliding out from under him. I lean forward on my front legs and moving my tail away.

I saw his eyes widen when I revealed myself. I felt a little embarrassed especially when he sniffed the wet core. Though I hum he licked it and since I didn't stop him nor did I pull away he continued to lick the already slick core. I flinch a little when he pushed a bit of his tongue inside before ultimately pulling away to paw at it making me bite my lip.


I look back at him and blush when I saw how much I had affected him. He drops his paw and mounts me, paws right beside my head. I moan softly as I felt nudge my entrance. "Just put it in already~" I whine and hear him huff before he plunged into me. I yowl from the pain and feel my body twitch under him. I usually stay in during heat so this was my first time.

I pant heavily from the intensity. He was so big so it hurt. A lot. He nuzzles the back of my head to calm me and I hum. Giving myself a minute I push my hips back into his and moan. "Oh~ please move~" I hear him huff before thrusting slowly. It felt so good. He stretching me more than probably possible for a cat. But after a while my heat worsens and I claw at the floor.

"Oh~ go harder~" I purr "are you sure? I ah~ d-don't want to hurt you." I nod "I'll be fine. Just follow your instincts." I don't what but something snapped in him as he pulls out only to plunge back into me. At a fast pace too. That seemed to satisfy my heat as it lost its intensity. "Ah!~ O-Oso-mat-suuu!~" I moan and claw at the floor "Ah! I'm gonna cum!~"

He leans over and bit my ear making me lose it. I was a moaning mess as he bites at my ear until I couldn't hold it. "Osomatsu!~ I'm cumming!~" I wail and threw my head back as my whole body trembles and twitches as I came. Osomatsu then lays his body on mine and locks his front legs around my thighs, thrusting faster.

I was about to tell him to take easy before I felt a swelling mass slam against my core. Oh it's his knot..oh my god. I whine and moan as he went even harder to push that large bulb inside of me. I was a little worried that it wouldn't fix. So I was a moaning mess, approaching another orgasm, when he gave a hard deep thrust that pushed that knot into me.

"Oh y/n!~ I'm cumming!~"

I moan and threw my head back as his cum flooded my insides but also because I came again. "S-Sorry I should've warned you before tying to you." I shakily sigh as he continued to cum inside me and collapse to the floor "it's okay..h-how long w-will you stay tied to m-me?" I ask and he hums "probably no more than 5 minutes." I whine a little but nod.

After the 5 minutes were up and Osomatsu pulled out I snuggled up with him. Osomatsu gently licks and nuzzles my face. "So how long do your heats last?" He asks and I shy away "they are go on and off for a week. Like one minute I'll be fine and next thing you I'm in heat." I say with a whine "but I can't ask you to keep helping me."

Osomatsu smiles and nuzzles my ear "well of course not. My brothers can help the other days." I look at him and he smiles "I mean that's okay isn't?" I nod with a blush "good because it's only fair that they get a turn. Don't you agree?" He asks while nuzzling my neck as I purr softly. "Yes I agree..Osomatsu?" He hums and looks at me. I lick the tip of his nose and smile.

"Thank you. I love you."

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