Returns (Siren! Matsu Bros x reader)

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8 years pass

I sigh and look down "Hey y/n, you okay?" I turn to see Jyushimatsu and nod. "I just...I had a dream about Maria again." He hums and swam up to be beside me. "You really miss her don't you?" He asks and I smile "of course I's been 8 years but I still remember her vividly." I say and he hugs me. I smile and hug him back. "We have actually been meaning to talk to you about that."

I tilt my head with a hum and he smiles "follow me." He says and I follow him to the underwater cave that was our home. "I brought her!" Jyushimatsu says and the others look at me with smiles. "Y/n we have good news." Karamatsu says and I hum "what is it?" I ask and they look at each other.

"Well if you are ready, you can finally go home."

My eyes widen and my mouth drops "w-what?" I ask "Hey don't start that stuttering again." Osomatsu teases and I close my mouth "you said I could go home. Really?" I ask and they nod "we found your sister." I turn to look at Ichimatsu. "She was walking around the beach at night. I found out she was your sister because well she looks like you just older."

I look down in shock "my sister..was she okay?" I ask and he nods "she is well and after talking for a bit I found that she had your mother arrested and she now has a job." I smile softly as tears went to my eyes "she's okay." I say softly and look up at them "can I really go home?" I ask and they nod "you do want to, right?" Todomatsu asks and I nod.

"I want to go home now."

It was night when we went to the surface. My eyes had to focus but I saw a figure pacing around on the beach. After my eyes focused I saw it was in fact Maria. Tears went to my eyes before I call out to her.


She whips her head towards us and I wave my hands as I swam to the shallow water. She ran towards us and jumps forward capturing me into a hug before we fell back into the shallow waters. I hug her tightly and she stood up, holding me close, kissing my cheek repeatedly. "Maria" I say with a whimper as I cry and she strokes my hair

"sh~ sh~ it's okay. I'm here now. Big sister is here now."

I bury my face into her neck and I realize something. "Uh Karamatsu? My tail." I say turning to him and he smiles "you mind putting her down Maria?" He asks and Maria sets me down. Karamatsu moves over to me "uh Maria, you may want to remove that jacket." Maria gave him a look but does so. I saw the others look away before Karamatsu kissed my forehead and turns away.

I felt the same change from all those years ago. I look down and see my legs were back but I was completely naked. Maria gasps and quickly stands me up and puts her jacket over me. I blush and turn to face the boys who over the years became my second family. I suddenly felt sad when I realized the fact that I may not see them again.

I was no longer a broken child.

I walk over and went on my knees "I'm going to miss you guys." I say and they smile before each of them hug me. I smile but thought of something. You see I had this seashell necklace. A necklace I had ever since I was 10. I reach behind me and remove my necklace. "Here. Take this to remember me." I say and they smile. I hand the necklace to them and Karamatsu ends up taking it.

I gave each of them one more hug before standing up and walking back to Maria. I turn around and wave goodbye as they swam away. Maria places her hand on my head and messes up my hair.

"Come on y/n. Let's go home."

It was a beautiful day for a beach trip and on the beach stood a woman in her mid-thirties as she watched her son play in the water before her daughter Lucy ran up to her. "Momma!" She yell before glomping her mother. The woman laughs and lifts up the happy girl to kiss her cheek before pausing. "Lucy? Where did you get that?" She asks and takes a necklace out of the girl's hand.

"You won't believe it Mommy! I was playing over on the rocks and fell off but I was saved by mermen." The girl says excitedly and the mom hums "merman Huh?" She says setting her daughter down but keeping the necklace in hand. "Yeah! You believe me right? Mom where are you going?"

The mother didn't really listen as she walks over to the rocky secluded area. When she enters the area she saw the merman about to leave. She froze and felt like she would cry.

"OI! Where are you going guys?"

The men turn and they smile as the woman wipes her tears. "You save my daughter but you can't stay to greet her mother properly?" She teases before walking over to them. "Hello again." She says as she crouches down and they smile before the one in blue says

"We meet again. Hello y/n."

The older y/n smiles with teary eyes "Hello Karamatsu and hello to the rest of you. You all haven't aged a day." She says with a smile and they nod "and look at you. You have a daughter now. She said her name was Lucy." Osomatsu says and she smiles "I have a son too. I named him Trevor. I should probably get back to them. But don't be strangers okay." She says and they nod with smiles.

"I've missed you guys. Bye until next time." They nod and leave as she stares at the old necklace. She gently folds her hand over the necklace and walk back over to my kids who moved to sit out of the sun. She walks over to Lucy and has her stand up. She then puts the necklace on her.

Y/n smiled as Lucy proudly wore her old necklace.

She got to see the brothers again and she couldn't be happier. Though she now had to tell the story to Lucy.

The story of how those "merman" saved me form a deadly situation by making me one of them and bringing me into their family.

Osomatsu-san Oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora