A Wish (Glaceon! Karamatsu x Trainer! reader)

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For SnowflakesSunsets

Also forgive me but I don't know a lot about Pokémon.

"Jolteon! Get off the bookshelf!" I yell and rush over to pull the energetic Pokémon off the shelf. He gave a laugh and bounces onto my shoulder. Though he caused a book to fall off and unfortunately it fell onto glaceon's head. He let out a yelp and I place his brother down. I quickly pull glaceon into my arms and he rubs his head. "Oh poor baby. You okay glace?" I ask shortening his name and he whines before nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Aw it's okay. I'm here." I coo and pet his back. I set him down for a second and pick up jolteon "you are getting a time out mister." I say playfully and carry him to my room. I open the door and see espeon trying to get comfortable on my bed. "Hmm if he's about to nap..I shouldn't keep you here..oh I know." I say with a snap of my fingers. I gently close the door and walk to the living room where leafeon, flareon, and sylveon were chilling in the sunlight.

I place jolteon down beside leafeon and sigh "stay here and lay down." I say and he does so. I hum and walk back to glaceon who was staring at the now open book. I walk over and sit down next to him. "You seem to be better." I say before picking up the book but he whines and paws the book out of my hand. I hum in confusion as he paws at a certain page.

I lean over and see the page was about Jirachi.

A dual-type Steel/Psychic Mythical that can grant people a single wish

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A dual-type Steel/Psychic Mythical that can grant people a single wish. The problem is he sleeps for a thousand years and when he is awake it's only for seven days. "What is it?" I ask and he pats the page with a hmph. "..you want to go see him?" I ask and he nods "hmm..well..it could be possible he's awake but how would we" I pause when I remember something "oh wait now I now how to get to him." I say and pull out my phone as glaceon stares at the page in awe.

It took three rings but finally my brother picked up. "Hello y/n! How is my dear big sister?" I sigh but smile "Hi James and I'm great. Look I have a favor to ask." He hums "I'm all ears sister." He says and I nod "you know the pokemon Jirachi?" I ask and he hums "of course. Why?" I glance at glaceon "do you think you could help me find him?" I ask and I could sense his smile.

"Of course. Do you mind if I bring Jessie?" He asks and I laugh softly "of course you can but I swear if you bring meowth." I say and he chuckles "bye y/n." I mean it! Don't bring- and he hung up." I say with a exasperated sigh. I pick up glaceon and the book before whistling

"Flareon, Leafeon, Espeon, Jolteon, and Slyveon! We are going on an adventure!"

"What did I say?! I said don't bring him?!" I shout as I repeatedly smack my brother on the back with my book. "Ow! Sorry but he wanted to come. Stop hitting me!" He shouts and Jessie laughs "oh wow, I have never seen you get like this y/n." Jessie says with a smile and I stop the hitting. "Well it's his fault for not listening." I say before opening the book to the Jirachi page, making glaceon hum happily.

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