The Love of a Sister (Sick! Matsu Bros x Big Sister! reader)

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For Kitcc14

I had decided to pay my family a visit. It had been a good 2 weeks since my last visit. I was finally able to live on my own. After I got that job with Atsushi life has really turned around for me. I was a lot happier now. I really appreciated what my brothers did for me. I still laugh that I'm the oldest and they worried about me like crazy. Not that I blame them. That old job of mine was a dangerous one.

I could never thank them enough for their help.

I walk up to the door and let myself in. I mean they did tell me that because I'm family I am welcome in the house whenever. So I took of my shoes and call out that I was here. When no one calls back I was a bit surprised. "Hm. Jyushimatsu usually runs up to greet me. Sometimes before I even say that I'm here." I say to myself and walk upstairs. I figured that they must still be asleep.

I made it to the bedroom door and slide it open to see all of my little brothers in bed but something was wrong. It took a second before I realized that they were sick. All of them were sick. And no one was here. I walk into the room saying hello. Karamatsu tilts his head back and rolls onto his stomach.

"Y/n?" He says in confusion and the others flip over as well. "Huh? What are you doing here?" Osomatsu asks and I hum "I wanted to visit you guys...hold on a minute." I say before walking to the bathroom. "Come on. I know we own some." I say and see the mask I was looking for. "There we are." I say and place the mask over my mouth before heading back upstairs.

"Okay. I'm back." I say and turn to my brothers. "Okay. I had planned to come and visit you guys. However since you guys are sick. Your big sister is going to be taking care of you!" I say happily and they look at each other. "Y/n. You don't have-" Choromatsu says but was cut off by a coughing fit. I rush over and rub his back as he coughs. "Hm. I think we have cough syrup. I'll go get it." I say and leave before he could say anything.

I came back with the medicine and a glass of water because the medicine tastes nasty. "Heya I'm back." I say and have Choromatsu sit up to take the medicine. As expected he gags slightly before drinking the water. "Okay. You okay Choromatsu?" I ask and he nods tiredly. I have him lay down and stand up. I hear a soft whine and turn my head.

I walk over to where I heard the whine and hear it again. I turn to Karamatsu and crouch down "you okay Karamatsu?" I ask and he whines again. I lay my hand on his forehead and hum "hold on. I'll get a thermometer." I say and quickly go to get one. When I came back I saw Jyushimatsu trying to get out of bed with a pale face. I walk over to him and place the thermometer down before helping Jyushimatsu get up.

"What's wrong Jyushi?" I ask and he groans before placing a hand over his mouth. I quickly understood and help rush him to the bathroom. I open the door and he rushes over to the toilet to throw up. I turn my head but gently rub his back. "Poor thing." I mumble as he pants and gags. When he was for sure done I help him up. I walk him to the sink and fill a cup of water.

I hand it to him "clean out your mouth." I say and he nods taking the cup. After doing that I take him back to the bedroom and lay him down. I pick up the thermometer and went over to Karamatsu. "Here open your mouth for me." I say and he opens his mouth a bit. I place the thermometer in his mouth. As I wait I went to Ichimatsu just to check on him. "You okay Ichimatsu?" I ask as I lay a hand on his forehead.

He groans and sniffs "I feel like I'm gonna die." He says and I roll my eyes "you aren't going to die. You're just congested...oh! I know what to get!" I exclaim and stand up. Before I left I took the thermometer from Karamatsu and hum in concern. 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Looks like I'll need to get some cold wet cloths. Looking at all of them I guess I'll need one for all of them.

I left the room and quickly went out to the store. I was going to purchase a few things. I was going to buy some ingredients to make some soup for them and some vapor rub for Ichimatsu. When I got to the store I quickly found what I needed and went to pay for it.

When I got back home I let out a sigh and went into the kitchen. Acting as a nurse like this brought back memories. Like when they were 10 and Osomatsu had gotten sick. I took the role of caring for him the best I could. It was rare when all of them got sick like this. To be honest though I kind of liked caring for them like this. I hate that they're sick though.

I set the soup ingredients in the kitchen before heading upstairs with the vapor rub in hand. I quickly grab some washcloths and a bowl of ice cold water before going into the bedroom. "Hey. I'm back." I say before sitting down and preparing the wet cloths. I grab the cloths and lay one onto each of their foreheads before moving to Ichimatsu. I look down at him and hum.

I crouch down "Ichimatsu?" He hums tiredly "I bought something that relieves congestion." I say holding up the vapor rub container and he nods "okay." I hum and sigh before moving the cover down a bit. I unbutton his pajama top and glance at him to see him confused. "I have to rub it onto your chest for it to work..don't make a big deal about it." I say and he shrugs with a hum.

I open the container and take some of the gel in my hand. I move his top aside and rub the gel onto his chest. "Does it feel any better?" I ask and he hums "a little I guess." He mumbles and I nod. I close the container and wipe my hand off. I left the room again to go make them some soup. Hopefully they can stomach it.

Okay..the only one who couldn't stomach the soup was Todomatsu who threw up minutes after eating. Which caused the others to throw up. Yeah..that was not fun to clean up.

I sigh as I wait for the cover to come out of the dryer. "I guess I should have figured that Todomatsu would have a weak stomach." I say to myself and hear the ding of the dryer as it's cycle ended. I took the now warm cover and walk back upstairs. I saw that my brothers looked embarrassed as I place the cover over them.

"Sorry about that y/n." Todomatsu says and I sigh "it's okay. To be honest I kind of figured you'd have a weak stomach." I say "you say it's okay but" I cut off Karamatsu "but nothing. I don't care what happened. I just want to help you." I say with a smile "besides....I have seen worse." I say and they went silent. I look up to see them with concerned stares.

"You mean from" I cut off Todomatsu "Yes. Yes that's what I mean." I say but smile "But that's behind me. Thanks to you guys." I say and they smile. I have them all lay down so they can rest. Though Osomatsu was giving me trouble. "For goodness sake! Lay down!" I yell as I try to have him stay down. "But I don't want to!" I sigh and groan as I held his shoulders down. I swear he acts like a child when he's sick.

"Osomatsu I'm trying to help you. Just lay down so you can rest." I say and he sighs, crossing his arms. "But I'm not tired." He says and sniffs "Osomatsu I don't care. Just please please get some rest." I say and he opens his mouth to say something but ends up sneezing. Problem was because I was in front of him. He sneezed on me.

I flinch back and groan. "Ew! Ew! Gross!" I say and stand up. I was wearing the mask but it's still gross. I wipe my face off quickly and immediately turn to glare at Osomatsu. "..right. I think I'll lay down now." He says and goes under the covers making the brothers laugh. "He's scared of y/n!" Jyushimatsu says and I huff.

"To be fair, she is scary when angry. So I'm not scared of her..I'm just scared of her when she gets angry." Osomatsu says and I smile "Well you should be. Anyway, all of you get some rest, okay?" They nod and I nod with a hum before leaving the room to let them rest. I close the door and pull off my mask with a sigh. I was exhausted.

I went downstairs to nap. I took a seat at the table and lay my head down to take a quick nap. I felt my nose twitch and I sneeze softly before drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up I felt a chill. I sniff lightly and sneeze softly. I heard some movement upstairs that moved downstairs. "Y/n? You still here?" I hear Karamatsu call out and I groan out "in here." The door opens and I look up "y/n, are you okay?" Choromatsu asks and I held my head "not really. I feel cold but my head feels hot." I say and Karamatsu walks over to lay a hand on my forehead.

"Hmm...she seems to be running a fever. I think she got sick." He says "Are you kidding me?" I whine and Karamatsu smiles before picking me up "Come on y/n. Let's get you taken care of." He says before carrying me upstairs. He carefully placed me under the cover and rubs my head.

"Don't worry y/n. You took care of us so it's our turn to care for you." He says and I smile softly "h-heh. Okay then."

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