Comfort from a stranger (Karamatsu x Runaway! reader)

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For Toasty_Kitty

The reader is 22, Karamatsu is 25

Here I was walking through the city with a backpack on my back and a plan. A plan to run away from home and never come back. At the moment as I was thinking about if I should take a train or the bus when I came across a small oden stand. I look at the stand and sigh. I was hungry but didn't have much money only enough to get me on a bus or train.

I was about to walk away when a voice called out to me. "Hey miss!" I turn to see that I was called out by the oden shop owner. "Come over here." I walk over shyly and he placed down a plate of oden. "Um I don't have the money for that." I say and he smiles "that's okay. You seem hungry." He says and I bite my lip. "Go ahead and eat. It's not a problem."

I smile and thank him before sitting down. "I'm Chibita by the way." He says and I smile softly "I'm y/n..y/n l/n" I say and went to eat. It was amazing. As I ate another man, I could tell he was older than me, sat down with a groan. He glanced at me before greeting Chibita. "Hey Karamatsu. You look tired." He says and this Karamatsu nods. "Issues with my brothers again." He says and I look at him.

He looked at me with a hum. "Hello miss, What's your name?" He asks and I smile "y/n l/n." He nods and smiles back. "Karamatsu Matsuno. Now what are you doing out this late?" He asks and I look away. "Well I felt like walking around. You know..just enjoying the night sky." I say and he hums.

"What about the backpack?" He asks and I smile nervously "Well I always have this bag with me." I say and Karamatsu just stares at me. I finished eating and thanked Chibita again before leaving for the bus.

When I got to the station I took a seat on one of the benches with my head in my hands. I was crying softly into my hands. This was it. I was going to run away. "You know it's a shame to see a beautiful woman cry."

I look up startled at the sudden voice. I saw it was Karamatsu who had spoke. Had he followed me? Why? "What are you doing here?" I ask wiping my tears and he looked down at me with a frown. He sat beside me "I have my reasons. Now, why are you running away?" He asks and I went wide eyed "how did you-" "because I myself have tried. But like what I'm doing right now, someone talked me out of it."

"You can't talk me out of this Karamatsu." I say looking down "my parents..I still live with them because I suffer from something that prevents me from working which means I can't really live on my own...they hate me..I can feel it..I'm nothing but a burden to them..I'm running away because I don't want to be a burden to them anymore." Karamatsu sighs and placed a hand on my back.

"I understand that feeling. I felt like I was burden to everyone and it took me awhile to realize that I do have people who care about me. People who love me. I know what you're feeling right now but let me tell you that they don't think you're a burden. You are their daughter and they want the best for you. Even if that means they have to care for you it's not your fault. You did say you suffered from something right?"

I nod and he smiled patting my back "then why would they hate you for something you can't help?" He asks and I look at him with tears in my eyes. I nod and smile "y-yeah...I guess you're right." I say and he held my face wiping my tears. He stood up and held my hand to pull me up. "Now. Let's get you home. Your parents must be worried." He says and I nod before we walked out of the station.

He brought me home and I rung the doorbell. My mom answered and her eyes widen "oh y/n! There you are!" She exclaims before lunging to hug me. "Where were you?! Your father and I were so scared that you had gotten hurt or something! He actually left to go find you." My eyes widen before closing as I hug my mom who was crying slightly. "Who is that?" She asked and I pull away to see Karamatsu standing awkwardly beside our chained fence.

"Karamatsu. Come here." I say and he walked up slightly nervous. He extended a hand but my mom stared at him. "Were you the one who brought her home?" She asked and Karamatsu nodded. My mom then hugged him "Thank you! Thank you!" Karamatsu smiles and glanced at me. I smile softly and mouth "thank you. You were right."

Karamatsu had been right. I was all worried for nothing.

I owe him one.

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