Friends (Bad End! Karamatsu x reader)

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This may not be that good.

"Excuse me. Oh pardon me." I say as I push my way through a line of fangirls. I groan softly and walk up to the front door when I heard "y/n?" I turn to see Chibita and Iyami. I hum and wave "hey guys. What's up?" I ask and they look so confused. "What happened here?" Chibita asks and I sigh "it's a little hard to explain." I say before Hijirisawa came up. "He could probably explain and show you inside." I say and he nods.

All four of us walk in but I separate and went to the kitchen. I let out a sigh as I went to prepare dinner for the brothers. I was a good friend of the brothers so I was now their caregiver. Though lately I've kind of distance myself from them. They have all changed way too much for my liking and it wasn't for the better. The were letting their fame and riches get to them.

I will admit that the only one who wasn't that bad was Karamatsu but even some days he would be so frustrating. Anyway I gave a sigh as I was preparing something for them before pausing. "Why? Why did they have to change so much?" I ask myself and sigh sadly. I missed how they used to be and honestly hated how they are now. I felt myself tear up and I slam the knife into the cutting board. "Damn it!" I yell that over and over as I repeatedly stab the cutting board.

Okay so I have a bit of a mental issue. When I get emotional for whatever reason I get violent as well. I don't know how I got it nor do I understand why I have it.

I heard the door open and hear Karamatsu ask if I was okay. I whip around and threw the knife at the wall startling him. "I'm fine! Go away!" I yell as tears left my eyes "you are not fine. What's wrong? What happened?" He asks walking over and I walk away "stay back and leave me alone!" This went back and forth with me trying to get away from him, I even left the kitchen but he wouldn't drop it.

Then he pulls me back into his arms making me squirm and kick. "Let me go!" I yell and he sighs "not until you say what's wrong." I groan and went still. "...I hate this." I say and he hums before setting me down. "What do you mean?" He asks and I turn around wiping my eyes "I hate what has happened to you guys have changed so much because of fame..and I hate it." I say before tearing up.

"I miss how you used to be! You guys changed and I hate it! You're the only one who doesn't frustrate me or make me feel uncomfortable!" I yell before breaking down into tears. He was silent before pulling me into a hug. "It's okay y/n but you should've said something." He says and I hum before planting my face into his shoulder with a hmp.

He laughs and I groan "mentally drained?" He asks and I nod tiredly. "It's not easy watching over you guys on top of watching over my mentality." I pause and laugh "I guess that's one thing that hasn't changed." He hums curiously and I smile softly before hugging him back. "You all drive me insane. Even back then." I say and he chuckles before we pull away.

"Well..I'm going to get back to work...sorry about throwing that knife earlier." I say and he hums "it's's not the first time you've done that." He says and I smile before laughing "yeah...well I'll see you later I guess." I say and went to walk away "wait. If we drive you insane why do you stay?" He asks and I smile "you are the only I can stand to be around." I say and saw him look surprised. I just smile and walk away.

They may get on my nerves now but they are still my friends. Karamatsu is just a little bit more tolerable than his brothers. That's why I'm willing to stay because they are still my friends.

Even if they have changed so much.

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