Daddymatsu (Todomatsu x reader)

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I trudged home with a heavy heart. I open my door and was greeted by my son, Katsuki. He hugged me tightly but loosened his grip a bit. "Sorry if I hurt you." He says to my tummy and I smile shakily. I ran a hand through his hair and kissed his forehead. "Todomatsu..can I speak with you?" I ask and he nods. I stand up and pull my husband into the nursery closing the door. He looked at me worried "so...what did the doctor say?" He says and I whimper. I grip my stomach and start to cry, falling to my knees as Todomatsu knelt down.

"T-They said my b-body rejected t-the baby..I h-had a miscarriage." I sob out as Todomatsu held me. "Sh~ sh~ it is okay. I know it's sad but we can get through it and try again." He coos and rubs my back. What I didn't know was our son was listening. "How are we going to explain to Katsuki that may not have a sibling for a while." "Well..he don't have to. We can just tell him the baby is taking a while to get here." I smile at the suggestion but nod.

At one point one point as I was walking down the hall, Katsuki ran up and hugged me. "Oof, honey what's wrong?" I ask and he looks up at me with a big smile but teary eyes. "I'm sorry about what happened! I don't need a sister yet, take your time to get better mommy!" He says before nuzzling my stomach and hugging my waist tighter.

My heart ached and I fell to the knees, hugging Katsuki close. "Oh honey, don't worry. Daddy and I will try to get you a deserve one." I say and kiss his face.

-2 years-

After 2 years I was finally pregnant again but I didn't want to get Katsuki's hopes up. But after 5 months I figured I'd tell him. I packed a note into his lunch box. It read;

Hey honey, have a good day in 5th grade. I have good news. You may have noticed that I've grown a bit. Well, you're going to be a brother. I can show you a sonogram, if you're curious.
-your pregnant momma❤️

When I went to the school to pick him up. I saw him running towards me and he hopped into my open arms. "My Momma's pregnant! My momma's pregnant!!" He exclaimed, kissing my cheek. I giggled softly as I see teachers and some parents applaud and/or smile. He would not stop bouncing in his seat so I pull out the sonogram to show him. "It's a girl." I whisper and kissed his forehead.

After the remaining months were over, I now in the delivery room and after having my daughter I was told that Katsuki had to be held back from rushing in. When he finally was aloud to be let in he rushed over to me. It was cute and he wanted to hold her. I drill in his head to be careful. He treated her as if she was made of glass and it was cute. He was cooing at her and tickling her. It made all of us smile. His uncles, aunts, grandparents and us were so happy to see him so overjoyed.

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