"Teacher's Pet" 🍋(Teacher! Osomatsu x Student! reader) Lemon

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For Angeldiary16

Same as last time the student is 18. Osomatsu is 26.

I was in class taking notes as Mr. Osomatsu lectures. He went by his first name rather than his last name because his brothers work in the school as well so to keep students from getting confused they all went by first name. Mr. Osomatsu was my favorite out of all of them. He was a jokester but took his job seriously yet he joked around whenever Choromatsu was around. It was funny because Choromatsu would get so pissed off.

Though I noticed that when he acted like that he would always look at me. As if he was doing that to specifically make me smile or laugh. Like he loved to see me so happy. Even if it meant pissing off his brothers. To be honest he did make me happy. Very very happy. If it's not obvious, I have a crush on him. Being honest my friends call it a crush but I know I'm in love with him.

I was trying to take notes but it's a little hard when he looks soo cute. It's not just his looks that I'm attracted to. He's funny, smart, and so nice. His smile is very attractive too especially when he's using that smug smirk. This isn't a sexual thing either I just really love him and would love to be his girlfriend.

okay maybe I thought sexually once or twice. I'm an 18 year old girl give me a break.

Before I knew it class was over and I was heading to the subway to catch the train. When I got on the train I chose to stand and to my surprise I saw Mr. Osomatsu sit down on the bench across from me. I gave him a wave and he smiles before waving and pulling out a notebook. I smile and turn to look out the window. The ride home was a long one but I didn't mind. I wonder where Mr. Osomatsu was going. Did he live in the same area as me?

The train came to a stop and more people came into the train. A guy actually bumped into me. I brush it off and step forward. Then I felt a hand under my skirt, squeezing my ass. My breath hitched and went to get away but he grips my waist. I wince in pain and my eyes widen he slips his hand into my underwear. I felt tears fill my eyes as he touches me. Then I feel him push my underwear down. I whimper and try getting away but he tightened his grip. I tense up as something pressed against me.

Then he was pushed away and hands were placed beside my head. I hum and saw a familiar red jacket. I look back to see Mr. Osomatsu glaring at the man. "Fuck off." He growls and I shiver. The man backs off and Mr. Osomatsu turns to look at me. "You okay?" He asks and I nod shyly. He glances down and blushes. I hum and glance down before blushing. My underwear was still down.

"Don't look at it" I say before pulling up my underwear. He hums before moving to hold my waist "I saw him gripping your waist pretty hard. Are you okay?" He asks and I blush "y-yeah." He hums and rubs my sides "does it hurt?" He asks and I gulp nervously "a l-little." I say as the train stops "I think I have something that can help then." He says as we exit the train. "Do you mind making a quick stop at my place?" He asks and I shook my head "not at all." I say with a shy smile.

So now I'm sitting on his couch in his apartment as he looks at my waist. "Hmm well the bruising isn't too bad. I'll be right back okay?" He asks and I nod. He left and I blush hard as I look around. My eyes went to his red jacket and I hum before grabbing it. It would look so big on me if I wore it. I hold it close and blush as I sniff at the fabric. I hum softly and hug the jacket to my face inhaling the scent with a blush. His jacket smelled so good. He smelled good.

I heard footsteps and toss the jacket back to it's original spot. "Okay so I found some Bruizex and..are you okay?" He asks and I nod with a blush. "I'm perfectly okay." I say with a smile. "Well okay then." He says before sitting down beside me. "Can you turn around?" He asks and I hum before turning around.

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