Domination 🍋(Jyushimatsu x Dom! reader) Lemon

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For unholy_satan
This one may not be as good.

I was at my boyfriend's place because he wanted me to meet his brothers. I agreed because I was curious about the brothers he loved to talk about. I wonder if he talks about me just as much. I walk up to the house and glance up to see Jyushimatsu looking through the window. I smile and wave at him. He waves back happily and ran from the window as I made it to the door.

I knock on the door and literally a second later the door was thrown open. Jyushimatsu lunges at me and hugs me tightly. I laugh and lift him up to spin us around. Yeah I can lift him and it's not even that hard. I'm a pretty strong girl so I can pick up a lot of people. I place him down and kiss his forehead. "Hey sweetie." I say and he smiles "Hi y/n! I'm so excited for you to meet my brothers!" He says before pulling me into the house.

He pulls me to the living room and I smile when I saw his brothers with curious faces. "Hey guys! This is y/n! my girlfriend!" He says and hugs my side. "Hi y/n, I'm Osomatsu." I smile with a nod as each of his brothers introduce themselves. "It's nice to finally meet you y/n." Karamatsu says and I smile before glancing at him. "Hey Jyushi, do you think I could pick him up?" I ask and Karamatsu looks confused while Jyushimatsu laughs.

"Yeah! Do it!" He says while clapping his hands and I smile "pardon me." I say before wrapping my arms around Karamatsu's waist and pick him up with ease. "Woah! Woah!" He says in shock and I laugh before setting him down. "Oh wow that's impressive." Choromatsu says and I laugh "Thank you. I'm able to pick up a lot of people even Jyushimatsu." I say and Jyushimatsu hugs me.

"and I love it!" Jyushimatsu says and I smile before kissing his cheek.

It was another day where I was visiting Jyushimatsu at his place. Though this time we were wrestling one another while his brothers just watch amused. Though I overpowered him and pushed him to the floor. He laughs and squirms under me while I was sat on his back. "Pinned ya! How many times is that? What's the ratio now?" I ask and he hums "10:5 I think."

"You've pinned Jyushimatsu-niisan 10 times?" Todomatsu asks with a shocked expression and I nod "yep and he's managed to pin me 5 times." I say proudly and they hum "well do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Choromatsu asks and I hum before shrugging. "What do you think Jyushimatsu?" I ask and he nods "that sounds fun!"

So we put on a movie and Jyushimatsu went to get something. When he came back he had a blanket. He came up behind me and wraps me up in the blanket. "Ah! Jyushimatsu!" I shout with a laugh and he sat down. I smile and unwrap myself before wrapping the blanket around both of us. He smiles and I lean my head on his shoulder, hugging his arm.

"So what movie is it?" I ask and Osomatsu smiles "I came across it at the store and was curious. It's called The Wedding Crashers." He says and sat down beside Choromatsu. I hum "that sounds interesting." I say before moving close to Jyushimatsu. Interesting it was. Only a few minutes in and it was pretty funny. What I wasn't expecting was the scene at the dinner table.

Though I smirk as it gave me an idea. A devilish idea. I glance at Jyushimatsu to see a small blush on his face. I smirk and turn back to face the TV as I lay my hand on his thigh. He didn't seem to react which makes sense because I have a habit of resting my hands on his thighs. I hum softly and rub my hand up his thigh to rest on his crotch. He hums and glances at me while I just stare at the TV.

I smile softly and press my hand down onto his dick. His breath hitches as I start rubbing his dick threw his pants. He gasps softly and moans softly as I move my hand into his bottoms to stroke him slowly. I turn my head and he glances at me. I smirk and lean up to his ear "keep your voice down sweetie~" I whisper with a purr and he went wide eyed before covering his mouth with a moan as my thumb traces his tip.

Osomatsu-san Oneshots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz