Suffering to Succeed (Suicidal! Choromatsu x reader)

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I was at the door to the Matsuno house. I had planned to pay a surprise visit but there was a problem. I had already knocked like two times when one time is enough to get at least Jyushimatsu's attention. So I was a little worried. Usually at least one brother was home so I let myself in. I was a good enough friend that me doing this was not a big deal. Besides both Karamatsu and Matsuyo said I'm always welcome here.

So I open and close the door before removing my shoes. "Hello. Anyone home?" I call before heading upstairs. I went up to their bedroom door to hear whimpers and ragged breaths. I couldn't decipher who it was though. My mind went to it being either Karamatsu, Ichimatsu or Jyushimatsu, Maybe even Osomatsu, as I have seen and dealt with those four crying.

Though when I slid open the door, quietly as to not scare whoever it was, I saw it was Choromatsu. My eyes softened in concern because for as long as I've known these brothers I've only seen Choromatsu cry when we were very young. To see him crying alone at 25 years old wrecked my heart. But my eyes went lower to focus on his hands to see he was holding something. My eyes widened when my eyes and brain registered what he was holding.

He had a gun in his hands.

How he got it I don't know. The intentions he had for the weapon I didn't want to even think about. I just watch as he stares at the cocked gun with tears leaving his glossy eyes. It felt like the world around me slowed as Choromatsu lifts the gun and brought it up under his chin.

I lunge forward and grab his wrist, pulling the gun away from him, the gun went off but it shot up at the ceiling instead. He let out a grunt as we collided with the ground. I glance up at the bullet hole in the ceiling before looking down at Choromatsu who had a look of shock and fear on his face. I took the gun from his hand and slid it out of our reach.

I place my hands on Choromatsu's shoulders and gave him a look. "Why would you do something like that? Why would you try t-" he let out a whimper and covered his face. He was crying again. "Choro-"

"I'm a failure!"

That shut me up as I went to sit up "What?" I ask with a look of confusion. "I try my hardest to get a job and succeed in life. It's so hard though." I hum and gave him a confused look. He wipes his eyes with his arm and sniffled before sitting up, pulling his legs up to his chest.

"Osomatsu lazes around all day and doesn't try..Karamatsu tries but is more successful with looking out for and protecting the family than he is at getting a job..The responsibility of getting a job and everything related to it falls on me because I'm the third eldest...and I hate it!"

I flinch when he yelled with a broken voice. "The stress of everything! After a while it's too much to handle! I try and I try but no matter what I do I get no where!" I crawl closer to him as he cried out. "I'm supposed to be seen as the most responsible..but how is that fair...when I'm not the eldest. Osomatsu is yet I have to be the most responsible."

I lean forward and wrap my arms around him tightly. "Oh Choromatsu. You shouldn't have to keep this feeling in. Believe me. keeping this stress bottled up is not good. Talk to your parents. Your brothers. For heavens sake, talk to me." I say soothingly as I rub his back. He turned and buried his face into my chest crying even more. I sigh sadly and pat his back while threading my free hand through his hair.

"That's it~ Let it all out~ you're okay~" I coo as I rub circles onto his back. I lay my head on top of his head as I hum out a simple lullaby until his cries became soft, ragged breaths with slight hiccups. My eyes went over to where the gun was laying. I stood up and grab the gun.

After telling Choromatsu to stay there I went downstairs, went outside, and toss the gun, it was empty as it only had the one bullet in it, into the trash can near their house. Was that probably a bad idea? Maybe but at the moment I didn't care.

I went back into the house and went upstairs to find Choromatsu in the same spot staring out the window. I sigh and open the closet. I took out their futon and set it up. I lead him to his spot and placed him under the comforter, intending for him to take a nap to relax. I went to walk away but a hand grabs my wrist. Looking back he had this look. A look that begged me to stay with him.

I smile softly and settle under the comforter with him. He immediately snuggled up to me, burying his face into my chest with small tears in the corner of his eyes.

"T-Thank y-you y/n...I love you."

That statement surprised me. It made me wonder. Does he really love me like that or is just saying that because of what just happened? I just smile assuming it was the first as it would explain some of his behavior around me. So I push his bangs up and kiss his forehead.

"I love you too Choromatsu..More than you know."

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