The Sins of a Big Sister (Matsu Bros x Big Sister! reader)

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I was currently in the bedroom looking through my wallet and counting my earnings and such. "Hmm..this should be enough for this week..I could always go out tonight though." I mumble as I count out my money again that I planned to use for my family. That's when the door opened and I flinch, shoving all the money into my hoodie pocket. I turn around to see Osomatsu.

"Heh hey y/n. Back already?" He asks and I nod with my mouth in a line. "Yeah..Sorry I didn't tell you." I say and he smiles "ah it's okay. You don't always have to check in with us. I mean you are the oldest one here...aside from our parents." I laugh nervously and stand up. "Welll I have to go...check something with mom and dad." I say before rushing out to the kitchen downstairs.

"Bye Osomatsu!"

-Osomatsu POV-

I watch my sister run out of the door but notice she dropped something. I crouch down to look and saw it was 2 hundred dollar bills(I'm not gonna even attempt using yen). I hum in confusion before picking it up "must be the payment from her job." I say before going downstairs. I saw her leaving the kitchen with a searching look. "Hey y/n. Are you looking for this?" I ask and she looks up to see the money in my hand.

She looks relieved and walks over "Thank you Osomatsu. I thought I lost it or something." She says with a laugh and he nod handing it back "Yeah hate to lose that payment...hey y/n?" She hums and I look at her "what is your job?" I ask and she looks nervous. "My job? Well it's hard to explain. There's a lot of boring details and I'd hate to bore my little brother to death." She says and I hum with a smile "heh. that's fair." She nods and turns to head upstairs.

"I know you are lying y/n."

She froze on the steps and I sigh "So why be so secretive to me?" I ask and she sighs but doesn't say anything. "Do you really think it's a good idea to keep this a secret? We're going to find out eventually." I say and put her head down.

"Well...until then I have nothing to worry about."

I watch her walk upstairs. I let out a sigh and shove my hands into my hoodie pocket. I walk over to the door to go outside.

"Why can't she just tell me?"

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I say waving goodbye to my customer. "Thanks to you my day will be nothing but nice." He says and I nod leaving the hotel parking lot. I breathe in and sigh before looking down at the money in my hand "250 dollars. Not a bad job y/n." I say to myself "I swear people can be so generous with paying me."


I jump slightly and turn towards the alleyway to see Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu. I place a hand over my heart "gosh you two scared me. What's up?" I ask and they look at me "why are you wearing Karamatsu-niisan's jean shorts" Jyushimatsu asks with Ichimatsu humming. "Because he let me borrow them..besides they look slightly better when I wear them. No offense to him I mean he looks good but-"

"and what's with the crop top?" Ichimatsu chimes in looking up and down my body. "What it's summer and I felt hot." I say and Jyushimatsu hums "but niichan, aren't you wearing a jacket?" He asks and I tug at said jacket "I said I felt hot. I'm not that hot anymore." I say and they both look at me "but why would yo-" "I have to go see a friend. I'll see later guys." I say before leaving.

-Ichimatsu POV-

"Jyushimatsu." He hums and turns to me. I stare at our sister as she rushes away from us. "You saw it too right?" I ask and he hums "What?" I sigh and pull my mask down "the marks on her neck and wrists." I say and he had a face of realization "Oh that...Yeah I saw." I hum and push my mask back up. "Niisan? Why do you think she has those?" He asks as we walk home. I sigh and glance at him. "I think you and I both know why."

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