Second Chance (Osomatsu x reader)

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For topaz03

I was pacing outside Osomatsu's house. I was actually terrified. I suck it up and knock on the door. After a minute the door opens and Osomatsu stood in the doorway. I glance at him and smile nervously "Hi Osomatsu" I greet and he narrows his eyes before crossing his arms. "Hey." I cower back a bit at his tone. His tone was cold but I knew I deserved it. "What are you doing here y/n?" He asks and I sigh.

"I..I'm sorry...I'm sorry for what I did but if you could ju-" "No." He says and goes to close the door. "Wait Osomatsu! Please! I am really sorry and I'm not expecting you to forgive me!" He hums and looks through the crack of the door. "You can hate me all you want and I wouldn't blame you." I gave a choked sob "but please if you could give me a chance to at least be your friend again."

He was silent and I rub my arm "...I regret what I did you know...I don't know what I was thinking...I made a mistake and lost the most amazing man I have ever dated..I lost him and ended up being miserable because of it." I say and he was about to chime in but I stop him "yes. yes. I know. You found a better girl. I'm happy for you and Totoko." I say as tears leave my eyes "Osomatsu I'm not going to ask much. I just want to at least be your friend again."

"...y/n..your right that I won't really forgive you...but I can I can look past it and be your friend again because I won't lie. I miss having you as a friend." He says opening the door fully and I smile before laughing softly "maybe we should have just stayed friends." I say and he chuckles "yeah.. I'm sorry." He says and I shook my head with a smile "no I'm sorry...I shouldn't have tried to cheat." I say and he hums "yeah that's for sure."

" you think Jyushimatsu would-" "forgive you? Yeah he's a pretty nice guy." He says and I hum before extending my hand "soo friends?" I ask and he smiles before shaking my hand "friends." I smile and he sighs "come here." He says and I step closer. I was surprised when he hugged me. " Osomatsu you don't have to-" "I'm trying to comfort you and your being critical about it?" He says with a "really?" look on his face. I smile and pull away

"Well thank you Osomatsu...and again I'm sorry." I say and he hums "well it's okay. I have moved on. What about you?" He asks and I nod "yeah, I have. This time I'm not going to mess it up...thanks for a second chance at being friends." I say and he nods "it's no problem. Why don't you come in?" He says and I shook my head "nothing against the idea but I do have a date later and I should get ready for it." I say and he nods in understanding "that's okay. Maybe next time?" I nod with a smile "For sure..bye Osomatsu." He smiles and nods "bye y/n." He closed the door and I went on my way.

I could never have the chance to be his girlfriend again but that no longer mattered. I messed up and lost him as a result.

Though luckily he is a nice guy and was willing to be friends again. That's all I wanted, to be his friend again and he gave me a second chance.

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