First Love and Heartbreak (Jyushimatsu x Sister! reader)

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After the relationship was established

I was walking in the hall of my house when I saw Jyushimatsu looking at photo booth pictures. I walk over saying hello and he hid the pictures with a nervous smile.

"H-Hey y/n! I didn't think you were here!"

I tilt my head before smirking. I knew about his behavior all too well. He was in love. I lean over with a smirk "ooh~ you're in love aren't you niisan?~" I ask and he blushed before going cat eyed "E-Eh! How did you know?" He asks and I laugh softly before sitting down beside him. "You were acting lovestruck when staring at the photo and you just confirmed it." I say and he blushed his mouth forming a line. "Oh..Hm."

I scoot closer and lean over to try and look at the photo. "Who is she?" I ask as he showed me the photo with a soft smile. "Her name is Homura..I saved her." He says and I glance at him.

"Saved her?"

That's when he started the story of how they met. How he saved her. I couldn't help but smile and hope that they get together.

So the rest of our brothers found out. I kept my secret to stay quiet but they were snoopy and looked at the photo. So now we were spying on them. I only came along to watch my brothers. I'll tell you what though Homura looked nicer in person. My face softened when Homura laughed at Jyushimatsu's newest trick. The others were shocked that she laughed though. If only they knew.

We followed them and at each spot my heart grew more fond of this possible couple.

We finally decided to head home back I decided to watch a little longer...until I said screw it and approach them.


They both turn as I walk over. "Hey y/n!" He greets before hugging me. I pull away and turn to Homura "Hi you must be Homura. I'm Jyushimatsu's sister, y/n." She smiles and nods "nice to meet you." Her voice was so gentle and kind that I smile wider. Jyushimatsu actually let me join them for the last few minutes of their date. It was fun. I got to know Homura more and I noticed my brother's wristband on her wrist making me smile.

Jyushimatsu said it was time to go but I wanted to stay another minute. He smiled and hugged me. "By the way, I saw you guys." He whispers and I blush slightly embarrassed "Thanks for keeping them back." He whispers before pulling away and leaving with a happy smile and wave to us. I turn to Homura and smile. "If you don't mind I wanted to have your number. I can sense we'll be good friends." I say and she smiles softly.

"Sure." She says and I pull out my phone to take down her number. I smile and open my arms before hugging her. She gasped softly and I smile "Thanks for making my brother happy." I say and she hugs me back gently as she hums


By the time I got home I saw all the brothers "torturing" him for details. I laugh "What is going on here?" I ask and Karamatsu tilts his head back "oh. Hello y/n." I smile "Hey Karamatsu. Why?" I ask and he stood up walking away from them. "Getting answers. Apparently he is going to ask her out tomorrow." Jyushimatsu let out a scream and I peak behind Karamatsu at Jyushimatsu with an amused face trying not to laugh.

I pull Karamatsu into the hallway, away from the door. "She is so nice. Perfect for Jyushimatsu. I actually got her number, I'll give it to Jyushimatsu if he forgets to ask." I say and he hums "That's so nice of you y/n." He says kissing me softly. I pull away and smile "So I get why the others joined. Why you?" I ask and he chuckles "To be fair if I did nothing they could be suspicious of that..and it is pretty shocking that Jyushimatsu found someone." Another yell came from Jyushimatsu and I smile.

"Yeah, he did so let's not kill him." I say before running to stop the brothers.

I had brought my umbrella with me before we went to watch Jyushimatsu. It was apparently supposed to rain. I was right to as it rained. It rained hard. I watch with the others from a distance as Homura and Jyushimatsu stood on the bridge. I saw Jyushimatsu turn to Homura and I could tell he said it, his head was bowed slightly.

My heart clenched as I could see shock on Homura's face before she said something.

My heart broke as Homura backs up before running away.

I suck in a breath as Jyushimatsu drops his head and umbrella. After the shock wore off I ran over to him and held my umbrella over his head while trying to look at him. His eyes glanced to the side and his smile was almost gone. "Oh Jyushimatsu. Come on." I say holding his hand and walking back to the brothers. I simply say

"Chibita's. Now."

I texted Homura as I sat between Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu at Chibita's oden stand tuning out their conversation. I was asking what happened? All she said was I'm so sorry..just don't hate me for running away. Before I could respond they started fighting for whatever reason. I was going to stop it till I heard a whimper from beside me. I turn my head as another whimper came out of Jyushimatsu mouth.

I saw the pain of a broken heart on his face before he wailed loudly. The brothers and Chibita stop arguing as Jyushimatsu cries loudly. I cover my mouth with tears brimming in my own eyes. He stopped with a whine and I place my phone down to rub his back. That's when something asked if they should ask about Homura. He was silent for a second before telling them the same story I did adding the part about Homura saying they couldn't see each other anymore. Because she was leaving the city to go to her family.

"Oh Jyushi." I say before hugging him. I was surprised when Osomatsu said for him to go after her and Jyushimatsu turns his head about to say how Homura rejected him but Osomatsu said it was fine and that would be bad to start a relationship right when you're going to move. Jyushimatsu had a look of realization and stood up abruptly before running off.

They brothers look at each other but before they could leave to follow he slammed his hands on the counter "don't." I froze and was really surprised. Until he mentioned that he didn't have money on him. I stare at him annoyed and he chuckled nervously. I sigh and reach into my purse "just this once." I say before paying for all of us. Chibita shook his head as he took the money. "You idjits better know how are lucky to have such a generous sister." He says and they nod

"We do!"

I waited for Jyushimatsu to come home as the other fell asleep already. They were exhausted. I could only imagine how Jyushimatsu was doing though. My head perked up when the front door opened. I rush over and saw Jyushimatsu sat on the step taking his shoes off. I slowly walk up and sit beside him. I look at his face and he was crying but he had his smile back.

"I got to make her last time."

That struck a cord in my heart as I hug him. I nuzzle my face into his shoulder and let out a shaky sigh. "I was so worried you wouldn't make it..I actually have something for you." He hums as I took out a piece of paper with her number written on it. I place it in his hand and his eyes widen. "Y/n?" I smile "I had asked for her number...I thought you'd want it too if you didn't ask for it already."

He looked at me then his hand. He clenched the paper in his hand and pounced on me, capturing me in a hug. We fell back with a thump but he hugged me tighter. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I felt like I was going to cry again as Jyushimatsu nuzzled his face on mine. I hug him back just as tightly and kiss his forehead.

"No problem Jyushimatsu-niisan."

That night I slept next to Jyushimatsu, Karamatsu did not mind at all, and he held me tightly, nuzzling my face in his sleep every now and then. Before I went to bed I sent a text to Homura saying everything was fine and that I gave Jyushimatsu her number. She seemed happy as she texted me an okay thank you. I smile softly thinking about everything that happened.

Jyushimatsu was a happy boy who would always be smiling wide and he keeps smiling.

Acting like everything is okay and nothing is wrong but I know that he's just staying strong.

For our brothers.

For our parents.

And for me, his only little sister.

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