A photo (Vampire! Matsu Bros x Shy! reader)

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For joannliew

"Um is this really a good idea?" I ask my friends as we walk through the woods. "Hm? Why? are you getting scared y/n-chan?" Totoko asks walking beside me. "A little. I mean where are we even going?" I ask and hear a laugh. "We are going to this abandoned house zansu." Iyami says as he lead our group. "w-why in t-the w-w-woods though?" I stutter out and stop walking.

"Hey it's okay y/n." Chibita says and I hum in uncertainty. "Yeah it's okay jo. You'll have us their with you." Hatabou says with a smile while patting my hand. "Besides don't you need it to be an abandoned building for the assignment?" Totoko asks and I nod but hum in thought "right..okay." I say with a smile before walking with them again. When we got to the house I was scared again. It looked fine but you could tell it had been abandoned years ago.

I was tapped on the shoulder and turn to face Iyami who was smiling. "You ready to go in y/n?" I gulp and shook my head "n-not really." I say and Totoko sighs before hugging me "We'll be right out here. Just take a quick look around, get your picture, and that's it." I nod and took a deep breath. I shyly walk up to the door and walk in.

It actually didn't look too bad on the inside but it was still creepy knowing that no one lived here anymore. I went to look around to see if I could find a room that caught my interest. I ended up coming across this beautiful bedroom. Like really beautiful. The only thing that was weird was that there was 6 beds in the room. I hum and took my camera out.

I took a quick picture and look at it with a smile. Then I heard a creek from the floorboards just outside the room. I felt my body tense up. "Totoko?" I call out as I made my way to the door "Chibita? Hatabou?" I call out before walking out and looking around. I hum in confusion when I don't see anyone. I hum and sniffle as some dust somehow made it into my nose. I itch my nose and end up sneezing.

"Bless you."

"Thank you." I hum and wipe my nose before freezing. I gulp before turning around to see 6 vampires. I could tell because I saw their fangs poking out. I froze and my mouth drops open. I was about to scream before the blue clad one slams a hand over my mouth. "Please don't freak out. Please don't scream." He says with a soft voice and I whimper "it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to move my hand. Do not scream, okay?" He asks and I nod.

He moves his hand and I shut my mouth. "Now we just want to know. why you are here?" He asks and I gulp "I..I came h-here because I n-needed a p-picture of a building that had b-been a-abandoned f-for a photography class." I say and they look at each other. "What kind of photography class has you go to an abandoned house?" The purple clad one asks and I hum. "I d-don't know. Look I got my picture so I'll just leave."

"Well if you want to look around for more pictures we won't mind. But we should probably introduce ourselves." Says the red clad one. "I'm Osomatsu. Then there's Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu." I hum with a nod "well..okay..I'm y/n. It's nice to meet I guess..but I have a photo already so.." I say shyly and Choromatsu walks up "can I see it?" He asks and I nod before handing over my camera.

He looks at it with a hum "it's good but..hey Jyushimatsu." Jyushimatsu hums "I can have Jyushimatsu get a better picture if you want." Choromatsu says and I hum. "No..it's fine. Really. This picture should be fine." I say "you sure?" Todomatsu asks and I nod "I mean thank you but this picture is fine." I say and smile softly "Soo..you all live here?" I ask and they nod.

"Hm..does it ever get scary?" I ask and they shrug "we have gotten use to it. It's not like we can live in the city." Karamatsu says and I hum "why?" I ask and he sighs "to put it simply, we are vampires. People would just be afraid of us. They always are." Ichimatsu says "oh..well..I'm not afraid of you guys." I say and they look at me "well I mean you guys may have startled me but I'm not afraid of you."

"Heh. Well that's a first." Osomatsu says and his brothers nod "it's unfortunate but over the years many people have feared us." Choromatsu says and I hum "um how many years?" I ask and Karamatsu sighs "too many. We are 1027 years old and ever since we were born people have been afraid." He says "oh I'm sorry about that." I say and they shrug "not much you can do about it. So don't apologize." Todomatsu says and I smile

"Well if you guys ever are in town you can always visit me." I say with a smile "my house can be pretty lonely. So if you guys ever visit I will happily welcome you into my home." I say and they look at me surprised. "Hm. Well..I should go. Bye." I say before leaving.

"There you are. We were about to go in and get you." Totoko says as I walk out. "Yeah sorry. I got distracted..let's just go home." I say and they nod "I'm all for that. I feel like someone is watching us." Iyami says before we all walk off. Not before I turn around and see the brothers watching from an upstairs window. I gave a quick wave goodbye and ran to catch up with my friends.

It took some time and thought before the brothers took y/n's offer and visited her. As promised she welcomed them with open arms and treated them properly. With time the brothers and y/n actually became good friends but of course y/n never told anyone about them.

She never told anyone because she wanted to protect her new friends.To think that this all started because y/n needed a photo.

Well she got her photo along with 6 new friendships and she wasn't complaining.

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