Unhealthy Obsession 🍋(Jyushimatsu x reader + Ichimatsu) Lemon

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For CryptOfDrawings

I was at the Matsuno household waiting for my boyfriend to come home so we can go out on our date. I was used to Jyushimatsu being out of the house when I got to his place as he can't stay in one spot for too long. Besides I would just talk with his brothers until he came back. Though the only one here at the moment was Ichimatsu.

Not a problem...I just have trouble talking to him. Why? Well he doesn't understand personal space. At the moment I was looking on my phone at my photo album. I smile as I brought up a picture of me and my sister. "Who's that?" I jump and turn to see Ichimatsu standing behind me with a smile. I smile and hum "it's my sister." I say before he sits down. Really close to me and looking at the picture.

"Oh she looks nice. How old is she?" He asks taking my phone and I hum slightly annoyed "she is uh 23. So 4 years younger than me." I say and he hums. My eyes widen as he went into my album, scanning my pictures. I was shocked as he stops on one picture of me and clicks his tongue "this is an interesting picture." He says and I try to take my phone back. "I was trying on a new swimsuit for Jyushimatsu. Give me my phone." I say and he stood up with my phone.

He proceeds to walk around while looking through my photos. I groan and follow him, trying to pull my phone from him. "Hm where was this one taken? Did you go somewhere?" I groan and finally swipe the phone away. "Ichimatsu! Stop invading my privacy!" I yell and he shrugs. He looked like he was about to ask something but was interrupted by Jyushimatsu.

"Hey y/n! You here?!"

"Yeah. I'll be right there." I say before leaving the living room. When I left the room I could feel Ichimatsu staring at me. I shrug it off and leave the house with Jyushimatsu.

Towards the end of the date I felt nervous about going back to Jyushimatsu's house like we had planned before. "Um Jyushimatsu?" He hums and turns to me "can we go to my house instead?" I ask and he goes in front of me walking backwards "Eh? Why?" He asks and I smile at the fact he's walking backwards. I decide to just stop walking so we can talk.

"I just rather hang out with you at my place..maybe you could even spend the night?" I say and he tilts his head "is there a reason you want me to spend the night?" I sigh and blush "well kind of but I do have to tell you something too." I say and he smiles before walking up to me. He kisses me softly before picking me up "if you want to got to your house let's go to your house!" He says and I smile as he lifts me into his shoulders before going to my place.

"So why did you want to come to your house?" Jyushimatsu asks as I sat on the couch with him. He had just called his family so they know where he would be. "To be honest I can't stand being around Ichimatsu." I say and he hums "Ichimatsu-niisan? Why?" He asks and I sigh "He..He doesn't really respect my personal space..I'm sure he is a good guy but he seems...clingy? obsessive? I don't know." I say and he hums with a nod "well when he finds someone he does get along with he can get kind of clingy in a way. Heh sorry." He says and I hum.

It was silent for a bit before I clear my throat and scoot closer. "I also just wanted to spend some time alone with you." I say with a blush and lay a hand on his knee. "Alone. why?" I sigh internally. I love him but he could be so oblivious. So I move to sit on his lap and pull my shirt off, placing his hands onto my chest. He blushes hard "oh..you sure?" He asks and I nod before leaning in to kiss him.

He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my waist. I run my hands through his hair and deepen the kiss. He hums and licks my bottom lip so I open my mouth. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I press my tongue against his. He hums moves his hands up to undo my bra. I held back a laugh as he struggles for a second but he did manage to remove it.

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