Swords and Betrayal

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About two weeks fly by...

Gil grins as he looks around at the rest of the book club with pride in his eyes. They'd finally did it. It had taken them a little over a month, but they were pretty sure this was it. The right combination of metals, the right temperature. The right balance and weight. The right grip. The right edging. The right everything. Besides the shell, he'd made for Hyades he wasn't sure he'd ever been so proud of something he'd help create.

It had certainly been a team effort with; Hyades playing the part of the furnace, himself the blacksmith, Carlos the metallurgist, and T directing it, while keeping their leaders busy. Harry and Jay had been their go-to for testers as well as himself and Deez.

His grin widens until it's his signature goofy one. He loved Harry and Uma with everything in his heart, he knew he did. But, the book club offered him something different. He wasn't sure what, he was just sure he liked it.

"It's beautiful." Hyades beams as she passes the sword to Carlos. "I can't believe we made that."

Gil's eyes crinkle as his smile widens. A warmth spreads through his chest at the thread of awe in her tone. It had taken him a lot of work to get it to that level. Uma and Harry had both taken to commenting on his muscles of late, and he was damn proud of it too.

Carlos's eyes light up as he takes the sword and looks it over. "So cool." He grins as he swishes the blade with a flick of his wrist. The green hilt glistens in the sun. "She's gonna love it."

Gil lets out a breath he hadn't even known he'd been holding. He wasn't sure why he'd been so concerned that the other boy would treat him like he was an idiot. But Carlos hadn't made him feel stupid once- Even when he had been forced to reread a passage several times or break something down. He had grown to like him through the last month. It was odd.

"Right." T grins. "So, one down eight more to go."

Eight didn't sound like enough. He didn't want to think about their little group ending after a quick eight blades. He wondered if anyone would be opposed to making daggers next?

"And Uma's is next." Hyades grins as she turns to Gil, "I know my stuff is going to get easier now that we know what works." She wraps her arms around his arm, "Are you going to be okay to start over?"

"Bring it." Gil smiles as he flexes his biceps. "Look at this shit. My dad would be so proud." Huh. Would be? That was new. He usually said will. When had that started? He smiles. Better question. Did it matter? He didn't feel like it did anymore, at least not the craving sensation it had once been.

T snorts. "Hell yeah man, fucking rock that shit."

Hyades frowns as she tightens her grip on his arm, "He doesn't deserve to know how awesome you are." she huffs.

"None of our parents do." Gil shrugs, with a surge of confidence he didn't usually feel unless Uma and Harry were by his side...Or Deez was in his arms. "Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to hear it."

"I guess that's true," Hyades admits softly as she looks away.

Carlos nods, "Well, my job's kind of done, except I'm still working on formulas and designs for you and D." He chuckles, "Can't have you two breaking your swords the same day you get them."

"I was thinking- I know T's been learnin' swords and everything, but uh- I was thinkin' after we finish swords we could try doin' daggers." Gil can't help but trip over himself. Not sure if he wanted to show his excitement, or hide it. After all, there was no guarantee the other three felt the same as he did.

"Fuck yes!" T nods emphatically, "A dagger for everyone!"

Gil's smile returns tenfold at T's enthusiastic fist pump. One down.

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