Crisis of Self

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Hey Descendants,

We've got a bit of a heavy chapter for you today.

-Trigger Warning-

-Possible foray into Mature Teen rating-

We said we'd be sure to add warnings if we were concerned that something may not be completely Teen rated.

If you're not worried about triggers, feel free to skip the following warning. But for our readers who need to know what they'll be getting themselves into with this chapter:

The scene that follows is sexual in nature. It is written from the perspective of someone walking in on it, so no thoughts, no parts labeling, just vague descriptions from someone who isn't entirely sure what is happening in front of them.

Witnessing this act is going to trigger the unsuspecting character who didn't mean to walk in on this, but finds themselves unable to look away.

It's going to bring up unpleasant thoughts and violent memories. There is heavily implied sexual, emotional, and mental abuse. The victim is a minor, and the memories are from years of trauma.

This chapter is also going to answer some questions about who Faustina is.

If you want a cut and dry rundown of this chapter, please feel free to message us and we'll send you a full summary minus the descriptors.

(See the end of the chapter for Questions.)

*The next day...*

T wipes a hand over his face, not sure if he was more exhausted from the physical labor, or the emotional toll it had taken to keep all of Uma's older crew on task.

It had been a long fucking day, and night.

He supposed he should've been happy with all the extra hands. They'd knocked out enough of the outer work. So much so that even the contractor would object to tearing it apart tomorrow.

It was the most progress of any of the remodels. And he had gone out of his way to make sure they wouldn't have enough wood to start over until they could order a new shipment, even with salvaging what wood they could.

Honestly, the whole affair just had him questioning Uma and Mal's sanity for wanting to lead people to do anything, ever.

It was satisfying to know he'd accomplished exactly what he set out to do. Now all that was left was checking in on the Sea Three before taking care of his own business.

He wasn't sure how Uma would receive him after last night's blatant display of audacity, but he didn't care either.

It hurt to see her the way he had last night. Scared him. He was used to the Kraken's fits of rage- But a full meltdown? He just prayed to whatever god might be listening he'd never have to see her in that state again.

Several of the crew mumble dismissals as they head to their bunks, each more exhausted than the last as they stumble to bed.


He hoped today at least gave them an appreciation of what their Captain and her first and second mates had been living through this month. He, personally, found there was no better way to understand where someone was standing than to experience it himself.

And after today, his respect for Uma, Hook, and Gil had hit new levels.

"I wasn't expecting you back so soon," James greets from the helm where he was leaning against the spoked wheel, "How'd it go?"

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