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Good Morning Descendants!

Sorry about yesterday. Twisted was very busy and also needed sleep, and I was having technical issues. I was trying to post this last night, got a hello and questions written and was about to save... When the power went out. Some swearing later I decided I had to go to bed...

We really appreciate all any and all support! Thanks for getting this far with us.

And yeah, enjoy the new chapter :)

(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

A few hours later...

Hyades wakes up with a strange pain in her lower belly. She reaches down and presses against the pain, but she couldn't figure out why she was hurting. She pulls her head up and raises a hand above her head, letting a few small flames dance to life so she can see.

She was sandwiched between Gil and Harry, though Uma had joined them once her shift at the shop was over.

Everything looked normal, just like any other morning when she stayed on the ship. Except for the strange pain radiating in her abdomen. She struggles against Harry and Gil's hold so she can sit up to see if maybe Shrimpy had been sitting on her or something, but even then that wouldn't explain this.

Her heart freezes when she sees blood on the sheets. Someone was hurt. Hurt bad enough to bleed!

A small sound of panic rips from her throat as she rises to her knees and turns to investigate Gil. He had blood on him. She holds her flamed hand to her mouth as she reaches out with her other hand.

"Gil?" She squeaks as she shakes him, her voice tight with fear.

"Mmm?" Gil lazily reaches out to pull her back to bed still half asleep.

"No, wait. Gil, there's blood on you and I can't see where you're hurt?"

"Hurt?" Gil sits up, "I ain't hurt," He blinks at her in confusion before he turns to Harry and shakes him.

Hyades turns to Harry, letting out another squeak when she sees blood on him too, "Harry!" What the heck was going on? How were they both hurt? And why did she feel weird?

Uma startles awake, her eyes widening in surprise before she rolls out of bed and lunges for the tub.

"Uma! It's orange!" Gil warns as he points to the slight flames flickering between Deez's hand and face.

"No, it's not, it's red." Hyades shakily points at the bloody sheet under Harry.

"What' ya be ah goin' on 'bout ah rainbow for?" Harry asks in confusion as one eye peaks open.

Uma blinks as she looks between the three of them. "Wait, what are we talking about?"

"Harry or Gil are bleeding!" Hyades snaps.

Gil runs a hand over his thighs, "It ain't me."

Uma furrows her brow as she walks back to the bed. She grabs the lantern on the table before she taps it to Hyades' flame.

A low glow lights up the bed, revealing slick smears of blood on the sheet between Harry and Gil.

But mostly under Hyades.

"Harry, where are you hurt?" Deez frowns as she continues to runs her fingers over the partially dried blood on Harry.

Harry blinks up at her before he shakes his head, "Nah, I ain'nah hurtin', Deez, I be tired."

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