How to Appease a Dragon

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Hey Descendants!

We are so happy to be getting another chapter out! We've been getting in a lot of writing in lately, since we've both got a lot of good things in the works for us. Stick around at the end for happy announcements and our semi usual 'why this chapter...'

Another week goes by...

Hyades takes a deep breath as she stares back down the alley.

She'd been able to spend a little time with everyone at this point, everyone but Mal.

She breathes out slowly. Visiting Mal for the first time with backup was probably for the best.

And that's why she was here... Staring up at the hangout entrance... Wondering why she was here.

She squeezes her eyes shut tight. She was here to talk to Mal. She missed Mal. Mean, rotten, wonderfully wicked Mal.

"Blech." Hyades wraps her arms around her waist. She hated this part. She tosses a rock at the sign, unsurprisingly missing. "Great." She aims again, jumping at the sound of the rock hitting metal before she scrambles out of the way when the stairs lower.

All too quickly she finds herself in front of the door. She raises her hand and lightly knocks, "Anyone here?" She calls out softly. Her pulse races as the door opens.

" D? " Jay greets in surprise as he drops a dumbbell to the side of the door, the whirring of the old sewing machine stops, as does the spray of a paint can.

"Deez?" Carlos echoes his surprise as tools clatter to the table.

"Hyades?" Evie questions, as she stands and races for the door.

"Deez huh?" Mal's head pops out from behind a corner with a paint smudge on her cheek. "Yo. Been a minute." She greets as she eyes the other girl up and down. "Done sulking?"

"Mal!" Evie hisses in disapproval.

Jay rolls his eyes.

Carlos facepalms.

" What?! " Mal raises a brow as Evie and Carlos all come in to view. "I was wondering when she was going to show her face again, that's all." She huffs and jerks her hip to the side as she crosses her arms.

Hyades smiles as she slowly walks in, "I thought I'd save the best for last."

"Oh is that what it was? I thought it was working up the courage." Mal leans against the wall. "Which I knew you would eventually gather."

"Probably a little of both." Hyades admits with a shrug, "How's painting?"

Mal's eyes narrow as she lets out a sigh. "It's coming along." She shrugs feeling disarmed. "How's your glass work? You've had plenty of time to work on it.":

"I did," Hyades holds a tiny box out in one hand towards Mal. "You be the judge if I've improved."

Mal lifts an eyebrow as she walks over and takes the box. She slowly opens it, knowing whatever this was delicate. When her eyes fall on the little dragon in the box she can't help the laugh that bubbles over her lips. "Alright. Fine. You can stay." She dismisses as she shuts the box and walks away dismissively. "Just keep it down, we're all working."

Hyades lets out a small sigh of relief. "Will do." As if writing was loud. But she understood. It was as good as Mal admitting she missed her, and probably as close as she'd ever get to hear it. She still didn't agree with Mal's resentment, but she didn't care. Mal's love of art was well worth a few challenging moments.

Jay lets out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He pats Hyades on the shoulder once before he returns to his weights.

Carlos and Evie run over to Hyades.

"I told you she'd love it." Evie bats her eyelashes before she wraps her arms around Hyades, hugging her close before stepping back.

"Do you think she noticed the green eyes?" Hyades asks with a smile as she holds Evie's hand a second longer.

"Maybe not now, but I bet she will later." Carlos chuckles, "As much as she likes tributes she's not really good at," He leans in, his voice taking on a conspirators whisper as he looks over his shoulder to make sure Mal couldn't hear him. "Receiving them."

"I for one am just glad you can hang out with all of us again." Evie adds sweetly, "I was worried you wouldn't come back to us."

"Me too." Hyades admits before she looks away, a pale blush colors her cheeks before she continues, "I missed everyone."

"We missed you too." Evie assures her quietly, "Even if we all aren't the best at showing it."


Hi again :)

So, important stuff first... Why this scene?

First time around we jumped around a lot and didn't really stop to smell the roses with character development. This time, we wanted to show off the talents of the vks. We didn't show D getting back in touch with the others because it was far less intense. For now things are settling back into a semblance of normal... if things can ever actually be normal for the vks.

And a few announcements...
I got a new job!! It's one of the reasons Twisted and I are writing so furiously while we can. I start June 5th, so we're hoping to get through as much as we can before then.
Twisted and her husband decided not to go for the house 5 mins away, but they are looking at a house 15 minutes away. Still a win! So wish them luck.
And last but not least, I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow.
Lots of Love
Don't forget to leave us some encouragement :)

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