Flutes and Secrets

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                                                                      A few days later

"T..." Hyades could hardly even whisper, wasn't sure if she was even capable of getting T's attention. Her arms felt strangely numb.

"Sup?" T asks, not bothering to look up from the book he was reading.

"I..." Had she done it? Could this be it? "I think..." She blinks down at the flute in her hand.

T looks up at her hesitation, his brow furrowing as he sets the book down before he walks over to Deez. His eyes sweep over the flute in her hand. "Well, whatcha waiting for? Try hittin' it."

Hyades' eyes widen in horror, "I know." She knew she had to test it, but she really didn't want to.

He studies her for a moment before he holds out his hand. "I'll be careful."

"Kay." She breathes out as she limply hold her hands up.

T reaches out before he delicately takes the flute from her. His eyes widening as if surprised by the weight of it, before he looks it over. He brings it to his lips and blows on the shortest pipe on the pan flute. The tone was light, airy, and strong. He grins at her before he puts it back to his lips back, blowing on each one.

Hyades claps in delight at the distinct difference between the notes. She'd done it! She'd made Gil a flute. Out of all the books Yensid had given her, the pan flute had caught her attention. It was like a combination of the flute his brothers had broken, and the harmonica his father had taken from him a long time ago.

"Fuck yeah." T grins as he hands it back to her just as gingerly as he'd taken it. "He's gonna shit a brick over that." He beams even wider. "And now all you have to do is make like four more of these suckers for when something happens and it breaks." He pats Hyades on the back. "Great fucking job, princess." He playfully punches her shoulder.

"That's the thing, I was trying to make this durable." She looks it over before she gently knocks it against the edge of the sarcophagus she was sitting on.

"Is that why it's so heavy?" T asks curiously as he watches in amazement, when the glass takes the rough treatment. "I'm not used to glass being like that..."

"Yeah. I made it thick so it's less likely to break. And wrapped it in fishing line so it has a grip." She slowly turns it over in her hands, glaring at it as she searched for imperfections, "Do you really think he'll like it?"

"Are you fucking kidding?" T balks, "Not only did you make it- But now he'll have something else to do with his hands when on night watch. And bad ass. Good idea giving it a grip." T grins before he shakes his head. "You should still make a few extra, just in case... Twins might see that and get jealous." He reiterates.

"It is a good idea. And at least now I won't have to do it in such secrecy. Before I was just afraid of getting his hopes up." She chuckles as she presses the cool glass to her chest, "But I did it."

T nods in agreement. "And now you know how- Might as well make extra while it's still fresh, ya know, before people start getting on you to do other projects..."

"You mean before I'm spending all my free time making swords and weapons?" Hyades rolls her eyes as she wraps the pipes up in a cloth before she sets it on her bed.

T beams at her. "It'll mostly be Gil doing the hard part. You just gotta keep it toasty. I mean C is already working with Yensid on the molds so it won't be long now..." He frowns when he doesn't sees her lack of enthusiasm. "Think of it- You, Gil, and C working together- That's a huge first step."

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