First Impression

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The next day...

Why did Gil have to show up carrying D? Like he didn't already look incredibly huge and muscular. But now, in comparison to the tiny white and blue doll in his arms-

Carlos shakes his head. That wasn't helping. He lets out a sigh as his eyes bounce from the giant walking towards him to the huge pile of metal he was expected to help sort and load into the giant cups so D could melt it down.

He jumps as a hand touches his shoulder.

"Breath." T instructs softly as he squeezes Carlos's shoulder in a rare display of empathy before dropping his hand.

"Yeah, duh." Carlos shrugs in an attempt to seem casual. He nods and crosses his arms over his chest before he casually leans against the driftwood he was standing near. When it shifts at his touch he quickly realizes how unstable it was and stands up straight again. Of course Hyades would have a hide out that wasn't structurally sound.

T snorts as he looks back towards Gil and Deez.

"Dude, you swear Mal isn't going to kill me right?"

"Worst comes to worst just tell her I made you," T shrugs, completely unconcerned.

Carlos rolls his eyes, "Why would I want to make it worse?"

"Because she'll forget you in her rage at my audacity."

"And then we'd be back to T watch, and I know how much you loved that." Not that he'd liked it anymore. It had been so hard figuring out what to keep secret and what to share. He didn't like being part of a mission set to uncover secrets. He was totally fine with the relationship he had with T now.

"Eh. Made me better at roof hopping- And I found a few sewer entrances I didn't know about before."

"Good for you. If this gets back to Mal you might have to teach me your tricks so I can survive too."

"She won't care once she gets a new blade out of it." T grins.

"So long as we get the new blade before she finds out."

"Yeah... I was thinking it'd be best she gets hers first."

"I hope everyone else agrees. Now that we're a democracy of two gangs and two independents."

"Meh." T shrugs, "They don't have to agree if we just do it. Gil actually sees reason. He'll get givin' one to Mal first..."

"Really? I mean, his family isn't very known for their reasoning skills."

"Well, that's why Gil found a new family, isn't it." T points out in disapproval.

Carlos blushes as he turns away. "I guess that's fair." He hadn't really thought about why the other gang worked the way it did. He'd just always heard the rumours and Mal's rants about them. Even Deez was careful not to talk about them around the hangout.

T nods in approval. "There we go." He sighs, "Look...I know this is hard for you, since it's usually the two of you that have to square off... But on my skeletons, I swear I won't let shit happen to you, and will do my damndest to make sure this never gets to Mal. We just got to work together for a bit."

"I know, sorry, it's just..." Carlos sighs, "I'll keep an open mind," He looks back up, needing something else to think about. When his eyes fall on Gil and Deez again he lets out a whine, "Does he really have to carry her like that?" He pouts, "I get it, he's strong."

T chuckles lowly, "No, but it makes him feel better." He responds vaguely, "And I don't hear her complaining like when I carry her bratty ass to the ship."

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