Dealing with Dragons

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Slowest... Moving.... Hurricane...Ever...

Lucky you guys.

Anticipating us.

On the plus side, this means extra chapters for you guys,

And writing for us. Let us all take a moment to pray this storm doesn't take out wifi... And that everyone stays safe obvi...

Any guesses on how to shorthand spell usual? The best I can come up with is usgh. I want to use it in the story. 'Like yo sup?' 'Oh you know just the usgh...' Any help on this would be awesome.

On another note, for those of you on the east coast, or anywhere where Dorian is striking. Please stay safe and shit.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes and questions.)

*The next night...*

T frowns at the small snores occasionally coming from the sleeping mistress of evil.

What a fucking joke.

It had been stupid, so stupidly easy to break into her room up here.

Now here he was, perched on the back of a chair, cleaning his nails with his dagger as he grew more agitated with each passing breath and snore. What the fuck was with adults falling short of his ever so low expectations of them this week?

It had been five nights since he found out the truth.

Five nights waiting to confront her father with the truth.

He didn't want a scene. He just wanted answers. Well, answers and justice, though he was keeping the justice part of the plan hidden for now. He rolls his eyes. Faustina was freaking out enough as is.

Faustina kept begging him not to do it. Pleaded with him to drop it. Forget it. To not look too hard at all the images and memories that had flooded him the night he'd walked in on the Sea three performing normal sexual acts according to the only actual hero on this damn spit of shit they called home. Normal sex? His lip curls at the thought of someone actually enjoying the act. And they had fucking enjoyed it.

There was no mistaking the pure pleasure on each of their faces. It would be etched in his memory forever.

His stomach rolls as bile rose in the back of his throat. Even at Faustina's behest, he couldn't stop the righteous fury fueling him. Not now. Not when he finally knew the truth that she had kept hidden from him for years.

Mal had spent years calling him a tard and a freak. He'd never argued it. Never even let it bother him. He's always known on some level there was something fucking wrong with him. Something wrong with her.

Their entire life was one fucking lie after another.

He was sick of it, and he was fucking done listening to her begging him to go back to their friends. To worry about them, help them. To finish the ship. To help Carlos with another project. Find more fabric for Evie. To practice with Jay. To let Freddie give him another stupid tarot reading. Hell, she even begged him to pick a fight with Mal. Anything, anything, but what he was planning.

She'd had the audacity to ask him to leave their life in the tower alone. Move on, forget it ever existed. Just let her handle that part of their life.

Like fuck he could ever do that. Like fuck he would willingly make that choice ever the fuck again.

Because as far as he was concerned, her opinion on everything was a moot now that he finally understood. Now that he knew the truth. Knew what he kept returning them too.

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