Howlers and Cliques

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Hey Descendants!

We're still working hard to get these chapters out to you. Don't forget to give us a shout out!

We hope you enjoy the rest of the howler :)

(See the end of the chapter for Questions.)

*A Few Minutes Later ...*

"Wow!" Gil's eyes widen as he looks around the room in awe. "Yensid really has more books than this?" T and Hyades follow after him.

Carlos chuckles as he looks up from his reading. He loved when someone had such a positive reaction to books, and secretly, he was happy to witness Gil's first trip to the library, "He's got a lot more." He corrects with an ear to ear grin, "Like we don't even know how many."

Carlos tilts his head to the side when he sees T shrink back at the sight of Mal sketching at a table in the corner. Huh. So T was avoiding her.

"Maybe one day we can introduce you to him, so he can show you the bag he keeps his books in. It's real magic." Hyades happily adds as she wraps her arms around one of Gil's.

"I think I'd really like that," Gil admits as he smiles down at her. "He sounds cool."

Mal snorts.

Gil blinks, clearly noticing Mal for the first time. "Is it okay for me to be here?" He asks Hyades in a whisper.

"Don't be fucking dumb," Mal responds, not bothering to look up from her sketching. "It's neutral tonight. Don't let me stop this weird-ass club's vibes. I just don't want to be out there." She jerks her pencil behind her, towards the door.

Hyades grins before she pulls Gil and T over to the table Carlos had claimed.

"Good to see ya again man." Carlos slaps his hand against Gil's in greeting.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" Gil admits sheepishly. "I miss making swords with the three of you. I've been excited to let you guys know, we're done till the next shipment of wood comes in. T actually got most the crew and used up enough wood for us to be done before the next shipment." He adds with a goofy grin.

Carlos smiles as Hyades excitedly throws her arms around Gil, "Does that mean you're coming back to book club?"

"That's the hope." Gil chuckles as he holds Hyades to his side, "So long as everyone comes back."

Carlos chuckles at the slight reprimand. Gil had been very disappointed when he'd shown up to book club last week, but Hyades hadn't. It had been fun to hang out and talk, just the two of them. Different but nice. Gil was much better at designs then he would've ever given the other boy credit for, and was sure once Uma finally did get her sword... There was going to be some tension between the two gangs again.

He swallows his grimace. Compared to what Gil was able to craft now, it was almost insulting what they had given Mal. But there had been no way around her being the first. Though he was sure, Gil wouldn't mind busting out a full-blown draconic blade to match Uma's nautical one, after the fit Mal was bound to pitch. Mal might even throw her own in for scrap if that was the case, and he knew she coveted the one she had now. She'd never said it. Or hell even showed it. But now that he was thinking about it... Tonight was the first time since she'd received it that he'd seen her without it attached to her hip. He smiles, ears burning until he drops his eyes.

His smile falters when he catches T out of the corner of his eye. He was staring intently at Gil and Hyades as they spoke, discussing in hushed tones what he was reprimanding her for. He narrows his eyes in thought, trying to figure out why T would be so stuck on the two before he remembers their conversation during their odd snapping game. His smile comes back full force.

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