High Hopes

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Hey Descendants!

Twisted and I just want to thank you all for continuing to read our ever growing story. We've got lots of chapters heading your way, in fact I'm going to post another one tomorrow since this one is so short. Don't forget to review Twisted's questions at the end of the chapter, and if you have any questions or other comments, please let us know. It's always nice to hear from you awesome readers!

A few days later...

Hyades stands on the shore, watching as the Goblin ran back down the docks to the barge. Her bag was lighter now with two tablets and payment for their safe passage gone. Her latest letter to the King of Auradon were about Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos.

She wrote about everyone, but the Rotten Core and the Wharf Rats were special. She wrote about them at least a half dozen times each since she'd started this. She even wrote about T, though she left his name out per his request.

She sighs, half smiling at her almost ritualistic plea she made every time she passed the tablets off to the goblins. "Please, for the love of all the gods, let it reach someone who cares." She whispers softly. Usually she said the king, but she was starting to get desperate despite the swell of hope lodging under her ribs.

She'd taken extra care with this last letter. Though it was one of the few that she didn't let anyone else read, not even Yensid. It had been too raw. Too emotional. She'd given detailed descriptions of her friends in every way she could imagine, highlighting their good qualities while also showing the struggles and challenges they faced to overcome their more negative ones. She wrote about the goodness that lay beneath the facade they kept for the isle. She wasn't going to lie. It was definitely easier to write about some over the others, but they were all equally worth the effort.

She saw the beauty in all of them, and could only hope whoever reads her writing would come to love these people as much as she did.

Could see that they didn't belong here.

She was looking forward to the challenge of writing a similar letter on behalf of her cousin, and her first and second mates.

Though after writing her piece about Mal, she couldn't help but wonder how much of a challenge it would actually be.

She sighs as the barge blows it's last ear splitting horn before the ship begins to take off.

Hyades watches the goblin she'd given the tablet to as he continues to run across the barge, past a shadow running in the opposite direction. The ship moved five. Ten. Fifteen feet away.

Her heart was suddenly in her throat as she watched T bound over the last bushels of trash, before he takes a running leap off the edge of the barge. The whole dock shakes as he lands like a cat; on all fours. The bulging bags hanging on either side of him nearly throw him off his balance.

He looks around as if making sure no one caught his almost fall, his face falling as his eyes land on her. He drops his head and shakes it, before he starts heading her way.

Hyades bites her lips as she slowly lifts one hand and waves. He always got so embarrassed over things like that, and never believed her when she said she was impressed.

"Sup Deez?" He greets when he gets close enough. "Sendin' off more tablets?" He guesses.

"Yep, just watched the goblin-run past you with them."

T nods his head, "What are you on now by the way, I lost count after bout one thirty..."

Hyades scrunches her nose up. How many had she sent? It never occurred to her to keep track, "I don't know. I've been sending them for a little over two years now. One or two a week." Her eyes narrow... Fifty-two weeks in a year-

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