Longing Belonging

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Hey Descendants fam!

Got another chapter for ya! Possibly a second one later today to celebrate Twisted and her husband closing on their house!! Yay new house!! Oh god that means boxes... Welp, nothing to it but to do it right? We probably won't get much writing done this Friday due to moving her in, but I'll be posting new chapters anyway... So excited about all the great changes in our lives! Dark and Twisted sisters, finally closer together again! I can't wait to settle into my new role at work and get back into a schedule. I gone on enough, if you made it this far thanks :)


Later that same night...

Gil whistles happily as he strolls down the docks towards the chip shop. He'd been doing pretty good this past week at staying on Uma's good side. Fifth night in a row free of the night watch. He was pretty proud of himself.

He turns a corner, hopping over the dilapidated edge of planks before a hand snakes out from behind a building, grabbing him by the collar. He lets out a noise of surprise and grabs the hilt of his sword as he's pulled into the shadows.

"I mean, I haven't been having the best luck with sword fights today, but if you want to spar..." T greets dryly, "I'm down."

"T?" Gil blinks.


Gil studies the other boy, taking a half step back as he releases his sword. It wasn't like T to touch him in any capacity. So what was going on with him today? "Not much... But sounds like you've had a day..."

"Eh..." T shrugs, "Its had its ups and downs."

"More down than up?" Gil asks as his eyes linger on T's torn and bloody pant cuff.

"Wouldn't be interestin' otherwise." T shrugs, before he turns toward the ship. "S'weird you not bein' on watch, the other crew members don't enjoy my coming and going as much."

Gil's eyes narrow, "I guess not, but Uma don't seem ta mind ya hanging around." He was missing something, T hated small talk.

"Doesn't mean the crew likes it." T frowns, "Not that I give a shit, I just do what I need to and bounce."

"Yeah, probably for the best." Gil rubs the back of his head. What could T have needed with the ship?

T nods in agreement. "So um, you busy right now?"

"Nah, I was just headin' back ta Uma."

"Ah... I- I was thinkin' it might be better ta chill on the beach tonight..."

Gil narrows his eyes suspiciously. Why would T ask him to go to the beach? His eyes widen, "What's wrong with Deez?"

T's head whips up, "Can you just go to the beach? Nothing's wrong. I just don't want her alone right now..."

"You two play that stupid game that leaves her alone for days, but suddenly you want me to make sure she's not alone-" Gil crosses his arms over his opened vest, "-and believe that nothing's wrong?

"One, that game is awesome. Don't be a hater just cause you can't play." T rolls his eyes, "I just- uh," He shifts nervously, careful of his left foot. "Deez needs a break from me, and I figured you wouldn't mind... But if you rather I can ask someone else?"

Gil narrows his eyes at the slight threat, "I have ta go tell Uma where I'm going."

"Thanks, man."

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