Short Supply

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Hey Descendants!

Thank you to all the new readers stepping up to show their support! We're not joking when we say we vitalize on these responses. And right now is the best time to step up to the plate with your opinions because Dark and I are tag-teaming this bitch. We've agreed that every time a review, any review, is posted on a chapter from now and up until the release of the third movie on August second, whoever can reach their computer first will be posting the next chapter. Consider it our attempt to celebrate the release of the third movie, as well as an attempt to amp up people's excitement for the finale of the first book in this series.

We hope you guys are willing to be invested for the long haul because we've always intended to continue this story for at least another four books. Seriously, have notebooks filled with timelines and plots. So planned out, even if it is haphazard.

If you're interested in seeing where we plan on taking this story and care how these kids turn out as they overcome the trauma of their pasts, then keep giving us the fuel and inspiration we need to keep going with this story.

The best part of being a writer is sharing your story and seeing how it affects the people it touches. We live to make relatable, realistic characters facing and overcoming problems, that hooks you in before it spits you out feeling like you lost time and left you wanting more. So if you want chapters to come out quicker blow up our inbox so one of will notices its posting time!

(When we're not together writing we are scrambling to keep the rest of our busy af lives in order, and husbands content that we haven't forgotten them. And remember as writers we're just as excited to receive reviews as, hopefully, you guys are to read see a chapter posted. Every comment means the world to us.

Maybe if we all work together on this we can have the first book fully posted by the time Descendants Three comes out, but that's gonna take some serious diligence on everyone's part! Both Dark and I work forty plus hours a week, and are the main keeper of our homes and are responsible for keeping younger siblings on the straight and narrow.

We also have over one hundred chapters altogether and are only on 63, it's not gonna be easy. But we're willing to make the effort if you are! So, to those of you usually too timid or too consumed with the next button to post, this is your time to shine and help out your fellow readers.

No matter what happens, you will be getting at least one chapter a day, we're not gonna hold out on you guys. But the notifications are great little reminders that shit needs to get done and we both have horrendous ADHD and a lotta shit to track! Help. Us. Remember. To. Post. Please. :)

- Twisted

(See the end of the chapter for Questions.)

A few days later...

Carlos furrows his brow as he reads over a new formula he wanted to try out. It didn't look complicated, but he also wasn't the one in charge of melting and mixing these metals. He looks up to ask Hyades a question but pauses when he seems her blank expression.

The steady twang of the hammer falling against screaming hot metal created a steady beat in the background. The hiss of the steam as the beaten swords were shoved into the water had become a blissful balm. He enjoyed the atmosphere they'd created here. Enjoyed the work they were doing. With a sigh, he looks back down at his book.

The last batch of metals ended up being too brittle so they were trying again with more rebar this time. He was hoping the sturdiness of the steel would balance out the problems they were running into. He shakes his head. But today just seemed like a tense day to voice his suggestions out loud. T and Gil were unusually stoic, even by their standards. And D was being unusually cold.

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