Harry's Adventure

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Heya Descendants long time no talk.

Sorry about the lack of posting, Dark and I have been hella busy.

Thank you again to everyone responding to our stories, your comments are no joke, the things that get us through the week. (Besides actually getting to write of course ;) ) We know it's been a minute, so without further ado...

*A few hours later...*

Harry grins as he jumps down from the sheer cliff edge onto the first of the boulders that lined the 'secret' path to the little hideaway. This was so much easier than rowing the dang dingy over, though he'd sooner be keelhauled and drowned than ever admit that to Uma. And not just because of her wrath either. Honestly, in a way he couldn't explain, it helped remind him that despite everything she did to earn his respect and admiration, she was still human.

The sound of a flute makes him smile again as he jumps down to the sandy beach. Of course Gil was here, and the notes floating in the air were the only evidence he needed to know the two weren't busy with their sword work.

Ah, to be free of Ursula.

"Hiya." He greets as he rounds a thick, gnarled palm tree. He grips it with one hand and holds himself swaying next to it as he watches the two laying out on the beach.

"Harry!" Deez jumps up and runs over to hug him, throwing herself into his free arm as she nearly knocks him to the ground. "You and Uma were so tired we hardly got to talk the other night."

"Aye princess, I be sorry for that." Harry chuckles as he winds his fingers through her hair and holds her close for a moment. "But that be why I be here now, ta talk."

Gil frowns and quickly packs his flute away before he stands, "Something happen?"

Harry gives Gil a smug smile, "Nothin' so bad ya be ah needin' ta worry that sweet head o' yours." He wraps his arm around Deez and picks her up along his side so they can join Gil.

Deez chuckles as Harry plops her on the ground next to Gil before he sandwiches her, "So, what's up." She asks, looking up at him thoughtfully.

How was he going to do this without giving himself and Jay away? "Well, I could'nah help but be ah noticin' that ya were bein' mighty affectionate when me and Uma got here. And I ain'nah complainin', but it were bein' a big difference." There. That was nice and not incriminating.

"Oh." Deez drops her eyes to the sand, "I just, I wanted to spend all the time with you I could, and being down doesn't seem like a good way to spend what little time we have."

Gil frowns as he wraps one arm over Deez's shoulder.

Harry nods, "But that bein' all it were?" he asks with a stern look on his face.

When Deez doesn't respond Gil leans closer, "You should ask him," he gently prompts.

Deez looks up at Gil and sighs before she looks over to Harry.

"Shrimpy be ah gettin' yer tongue there princess?" Harry chuckles and moves a strand of her hair out of her face, gently tucking it behind her ear, "Ya be knowin' ya can be askin' me anythin', right?"

"Aye," Deez nods, which makes Harry and Gil chuckle, "Sometimes it's just hard."

Harry and Gil scoot closer together, pressing her tightly between them. "Aye, sometimes it be hard ta be ah talkin'." Harry nods.

"But talkin' is really the only way to make things feel better," Gil adds encouragingly.

"Aye, but there be somethin' else that can ah be helpin' ta make things feel bett-"

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