Stand Off at the Wishing Well, Part Two

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Deez was...


That was not a good thing.

Carlos looks around the clearing, but it was so hard to read anyone when they were all staring at Deez blankly.

Was he?

He runs his hands across his face.

No, he was pretty sure he looked scared.

And he should be-

They all should be.

Why weren't they?

And why were Mal and Uma still in each other's faces?

A blue and white fire Demi goddess was laughing.

And this situation was no laughing matter.

Not with the way her flames were starting to whip around.

He knew she was going to be upset.

Was pretty sure they all knew, on some level at least, that it was bound to upset her.

The flames were tied to Deez's emotions.

How often had Yensid explained that to them?

All those secret meetings with the Auradon hero turned teacher had started because of her.


His first-

The first person to ever be nice to him.

To take an interest in his interest.

His original desk buddy.

When the Wizard offered to host private lessons for anyone who was interested-

Oh, he'd jumped on it.

Just for the chance that the man would be able to help Deez.

She just wanted to be normal.

They both did.

He shakes his head.


Why was Deez laughing-

His eyes widen.

Why was she still laughing?

And why were the flames getting higher?

"Stop it!" Deez finally screams over Mal and Uma, who were still arguing with each other.

Not that it seemed to phase them.

If Deez full on flaming wasn't enough to alert them-


He wanted to shout, plead with Mal.

Please, notice Deez.

Notice she's not okay.

Notice the danger.

But he wasn't that brave.

"Just, stop!" She screams as she tugs the ends of her hair, the blue and white strands knotting with how tight her firsts were. "Both of you! I can't believe you're trying to force me to choose. And like this!"

"But-" Both Mal and Uma both snarl in response before they turn back to each other.

"Deez was trying to fucking speak!" Uma snarls, her eyes dark with unbridled emotions.

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