A Real Challenge

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Heya Descendants,

Only twelve chapters left until the end of the book!

Are you ready for it?

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this latest chapter!

Sorry we didn't get this out sooner.

Being an adult is hard...

We're totally safe BTW

Which means we got the first 14 chaps of the next book written



*Five days later...*

This certainly wasn't what he'd been expecting when he'd agree to figure out what Shan Yu was up to. His eyes dart behind him in paranoia. He usually would have just taken to building hopping. But...

His eyes drop to the flimsy cloth bag he held taut between his hands. He didn't know much about black powder, but he knew this was no way to be carrying it. He had to move carefully, which meant he had to change his tactics.

When he said that Shan Yu was planning a coup, it had been like ninety-five percent sarcasm.

It wasn't like Atilla ever held his interest that long. But after surveying the entire camp, he wasn't sure if Shan Yu was preparing to take over the isle or if he knew something the rest of them didn't and was preparing to take over Auradon.

It had certainly been a real challenge.

There had been about sixty men, all working on building stone out of clay to make buildings. He realized, with a sinking pit in his stomach, that he'd slowly seen the same buildings popping up through the years. He hadn't ever given them much thought before. What was so interesting about a drab clay building after all?

Everything apparently. He was going to have to better map the rest out better, but he was pretty sure they were some kind of checkpoint.

Then there were the training grounds. He'd never seen a gun up close before, besides the musket on Gaston's wall. But now? He could see why those who'd owned them in their past life would lament their loss of them.

They were loud as shit though. The first time he'd witnessed one fired he'd jumped in surprise. And not much surprised him lately.

Shan Yu's men were either skilled with them, or it just didn't take a lot to point and pull. They only seemed to do it for an hour a day, at least from where he was watching. There may have been a time it was more often, but he doubted it. Not if the place wanted to stay private. He grimaces at the ringing in his head.

The corner of his lip pulls into a smirk. At least he hadn't been completely full of himself while blowing smoke all over the Mistress of Evil. He'd been in and out of the camp like fifteen times over the last couple days, and no one even so much as twitched when he was in their vicinity.

He wasn't going to lie, when he'd first seen the armed soldiers on security detail he'd wanted to cry. He was pretty great at sneaking. But to sneak passed Shan Yu trained soldiers?

Ha! Haha! Haha, yeah right. He'd been prepared for this to end badly.

But then he'd done it. And then he'd done it twice. And then he'd done it once more with stolen gun powder in hand.

And still, he hadn't been caught. The feeling of it being too good to be true was definitely keeping him on his toes... And as another bonus, this had kept him from thinking about the fact his father still hadn't fucking come to visit Faustina.

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