Let's Get this Party Started

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Hey Descendants!

Sorry for missing the update yesterday. Twisted got through the surgery and late yesterday was released from the hospital. She's happy to be home, but her road to recovery is going to be a long one. She's in a neck brace for at least two months. Twisted is a massage therapist who specializes in therapeutic, medical, and deep tissue massage. Which she finds ironic because that is exactly what she's going to need once she's further along in her recovery. She also has a message for everyone out there. Always have good luck! And if you don't have that, please wear a seatbelt every time you get in a car. We are so lucky she's still with us. Her car rolled several times.

She's still her though. my sister and bestie. She's chomping at the bit to get back to writing, so we're going to give it a try today and see how she does. She's trying to work through a lot of pain and not a lot of painkillers, so we'll see what happens.

But now, the party you've all been waiting for...

(See the end of the chapter for .)

The day of the party...

(About two years after the well)

"Heya Herby."

Freddie's voice breaks his concentration as he gathered herbs from Dr. Facilicier's garden. He should have known he couldn't get in and out of here without getting caught. Fucking stupid ghosts.

"Freddie." T greets as he stands up, putting several bundles of herbs into his bag. He wipes his hands on his pants before he turns to her hands in his hoodie pocket.

"Just the badass freak I was looking for." Freddie grins and rubs her hands together mischievously, "Want me ta show your future in the cards, or tell ya how you'll be paying me back."

T grins, "Whatcha need princess." It wasn't like he didn't owe the girl. She'd covered for him too many times to deny her. Besides, it was just rare one of his friends came out and straight asked him for something.

Freddie squeals in delight, "Just what I wanted to hear." She hooks her arm around T's and starts pulling him away, "You were done pilfering the garden right?" She asks without slowing down.

"Guess I am now."

"Wonderful." Freddie laughs, "Cause I need you to do your thing and keep these miscreant heathens in line tonight."

T's eyes narrow in suspicion. "Wait, what?" He asks in confusion. "Whose ass am I kicking? Is someone bothering you, again?" He asks in concern. Freddie was someone who sought out trouble. Usually when she gave a grim prediction. With no form of backup and very little combat training. He usually kept better tabs on her, but he hadn't had a lot of spare time lately. He felt bad it had gotten so bad she sought him out.

Freddie rolls her eyes, "Only if you count a certain blue princess begging me to throw a party as bothering me." She waves the comment off with her free hand, "But I heard about your amazing exploits at the chip shop, so now I need that kind of energy here." She glares at a place over her shoulder, "My friends on the other side can only do so much to keep people from trashing the school and getting me in trouble with pops."

T pauses at the word party, only to be pulled harder. "Freddie... What are you asking me to do exactly?" He groans. Please, for the love of Hades, let her be joking. Or at least let him be misunderstanding what she's asking for.

"I think in Auradon they're called bouncers," Freddie taps a finger from her free hand against her lips, "but here we'll just call you the hired muscle."

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