Smashing Pumpkin

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Hey Descendants!

August can't get here fast enough! The Descendants 3 is shaping up phenomenally judging from the trailers. EEEE! Right?! Who are you most looking forward to seeing in the new movie?
Anyway, back to fan fiction while we wait. We hope you enjoy our latest update.

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The next morning...

T's eyes snap open and instantly dart around in the dark.

What the fuck?

His pulse races as he struggles to make sense of his surroundings. Cold. Dark. Damp?

He wasn't home... Which was where he should have been. What the hell...

He cracks his head against a hard surface as a scream burns through his soul.


His eyes widen as he jumps at the pitch. The night before floods back in a dizzying whirl. He'd won their latest game. They had been walking home. The pyre of a man in front of Deez. The waves of heat.

He shudders, his skin suddenly clammy.

Right. He'd gone to the ship to deliver her message and, after probably one or two many hasty apologies to a sad-faced Gil, had made his way to the heathen god's temple to check on the demigoddess.

Had he really fallen asleep? He bites back a groan, his back cracking into place as he stands.

Another scream cuts through the darkness, and this time he knew for sure it wasn't a memory; Hyades was in trouble.

With the sleep out of his eyes, he crawls out from between the two slabs of stone he wedged himself between the night before, his feet racing towards the echoes of the dying screams.

What the fuck?! He frowns as he skids to a halt. Thankfully a quiet skid as he barely missed running into Hades Sr. and Deez. His mouth falls open and his eyes widen as he backpedals to hide behind a pillar, slamming against it while he slowly breathed through the adrenaline-fueled lack of air. What the hell was going on?

He shifts to peek around the pillar. Hyades was on her knees at her father's feet, but it was the glow of her hands that caught his attention before he'd plowed right into them. They were a blinding white, and it looked like she was gripping the thick bracelet around one of his wrists.

"Come on, are you even trying?" Hades scoffs, "This should be nothing more than damn child's play for a demigod of my stock. Did you actually kill the wormy human you were cryin' bout? Or did you just singe his eyebrows?"

"It was an accident." Hyades cries as her eyes begin to shimmer with blue flames. "Just an accident."

T ducks back, hiding again behind the pillar at his back. What had Deez done, going to her father?

"If you can take out a worm that easily one of my cuffs shouldn't be a problem. Come on... Put your soul into it kiddo."

At the inhuman noise that leaves Hyades, T can't help peeking again. His stomach flips and tightens, while his mouth goes dry when he sees what's causing the other girl to let out such blood-curdling screams. He ducks his head back around the corner to cover his own curse.

Her skin was literally being peeled; flayed back as she worked to burn the cuff. He peeks again, disgust and rage swirling in his gut when he sees bone. Tears prick at his own eyes at the thought of the pain the other girl had to be going through.

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