A Secret Meeting and a Revelation

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Hey Descendants,

Surprise! Two in one day! My attempt for us not getting more posted on Wednesday. We've been having some rewrite issues and we're really focusing on getting the story right. So until further notice, we might only be getting one out to you on days we write. Sorry.


(See the end of the chapter for Questions.)

*The following Tuesday...*

"Dude, a month and a half?" Jay rolls his eyes as Harry lands in the pile of pillows.

Harry chuckles weakly and rolls on his back to look up into Jay's angry face, "Aye. It ain'nah like I be havin' all the free time I use ta be ah havin' mate."

Jay crosses his arms as he leans his back against the wall. "Fuck. Seriously? T mentioned that the sea bitch had really started crackin' tentacles over there... But three weeks? Fuck that. Even Maleficent ain't that much of a cunt." He scoffs.

"She be ah upgradin' an addin' to our misery it be ah seemin'." Or at least it seemed that way. The sidekick in charge of the whole thing was always sure to keep him and Uma once the shop was clean, and they'd even had to bring Gil in on the night work. If T hadn't already turned him on to Ursula and Hades plan to keep Uma busy and away from Deez he would have figured it out. There was no point to this stupid upgrade. And no point in changing the plan every three days. He lets out a groan but doesn't move from the position he landed in.

Jay rubs the back of his neck, as he looks away. "What a pain in the fuckin' ass." He sighs. "I don't know how the fuck Uma does it." He admits. "If I had to work with my ol' man all the time, pretty sure one of us would end up dead."

"Aye, I don'nah be knowin' how Uma be ah doin' it. Fuck, I don'nah be knowin' how I be ah stayin' silent so much, and I be the one ah doin' it."

Jay smirks, "T did also mention you were amusing as a mute. I have a hard time seeing it though."

Harry nods curtly, "He would be ah mentionin' that." Of course that angry little shit would find his silence amusing. "But, what ya be ah needin' ta be talkin' 'bout mate? T be ah makin' it sound like it were bein' urgent."

Jay snorts, "I wouldn't say urgent," He shrugs, "But it's about Deez." He sighs. "She finally opened up about the whole tryin' ta get the cuffs off her ol' man, shit." He takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly, "But knew you or your crew would be better at navigating that. I barely know what to do when Evie cries, and she's been a part of our gang for years." He admits with a scornful look. "But, yeah, I knew you were tryin' ta talk to her about it, so was kinda hopin' ya could, ya know," He shrugs, "Get while the gettin' was good."

"Well, that ship be ah sailin' without me." Harry sighs and tosses his arms above his head dejectedly.

Jay his head fall back to look at the ceiling. "Was 'fraid ya'd say that." He sighs. "But I at least have an idea of what got her to talk about it." He adds with a frown. "T will probably be pissed, but," He shrugs, "He'll get over it." He waves off dismissively. "I mean, it's not like I meant to throw the kid under the troll, but it's Deez. How the fuck are you supposed to get something past her? She notices fucking everything, and connects dots that shouldn't be there."

Harry chuckles as he sits up, "Aye, she be ah bright one. Uma be ah thinkin' it be all the writin' about us she be ah doin'." He pulls himself up to standing, "But I think I agree with T, some kind of demigod thing. Uma can do it too, sometimes."

"Ugh." Jay pulls a face. "I can barely take one of them doin' it. Let alone two..."

"But, ya be ah tellin' her T told ya?" Harry snorts. Yeah, T was going to be pissed. But mostly at himself.

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