Deliver T

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Hey Descendants!

Guess where I'm posting this from!! Twisted's new house!! I stopped by today after work to try and help out, and then we remembered it was Monday! We hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to check out Twisted's chapter review. We love hearing your opinions and thoughts!!

One Week Later...

T smirks as he wipes his hands; another thing checked off his list. He was excited he was finally getting the robes to the hideout. It had taken a while to sneak into Senior's temple without being noticed, but he'd been able to wait the god out.

Evie had been dropping so many hints about wanting to make new clothes for Deez, but he wanted to wait to give it to her until after he and Carlos figured out how to make other cloth flame retardant. The fashionista always complained that Deez needed color in her wardrobe.

He was happy to be able to make up for everything she'd done for him since they met.

It had taken him some time to build up the balls to steal from Senior though.

He rolls his eyes. The fear had been a waste of his time.

When the imps found him he'd almost pissed himself. But then they asked what he was doing there, in Seniors temple, rather than Hyades' catacombs. They were so happy to hear their mistress was getting new clothes, and were more than eager to help.

And when the imps helped, they helped hard. He had more than enough to make a whole wardrobe for Deez and drop some off at Uma's in case of emergencies. Over all, he felt rather accomplished, which was weird so early in his day.

She wasn't sure what had stirred her mother into such a good mood, but she knew better than to look a gift seahorse in the mouth. Uma grins as she does one final sweep of her quarters. Finally, she was going to get to join in teaching Deez the sword.

She hated that Deez never wants to duel on the ship, but she also knew they'd already pushed her so far outside of her comfort zone. She didn't have the heart to argue over it. It just meant she never had the time to participate.

That was until tonight. Her first night off in what felt like years. Her smile nearly splits her face.

She pumps her fist triumphantly before she snaps the door open.

T turns around with a startled expression, clearly guilty about something. "Captain." He greets, "What are you doin' on your ship? That's weird for you?" He dryly teases.

Uma gives T a cocky grin as she rests one hip against the closed door behind her. "Hey T," She greets as she crosses her arms over her chest, "I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you liked joining in with the sword training on the beach."

"Usually." T agrees with a grin, "But I had other plans tonight..." He looks away sheepishly.

"Oh?" Uma shoves off the wall, "So the one night I get off you ain't even gonna be there?" She challenges.

"Well I'm almost finished- Could join ya in a few." T offers. "Just had to drop some stuff off." He adds as he starts walking towards the stairs that lead below deck.

"Do you store stuff here often?" Uma asks, dropping the teasing tone in favor of curiosity.

"Yep." T nods without batting an eyelash. "You seem to be busy..."

Uma shrugs, "For once that really ain't true."

"Which is nice," He admits with a smile grin, "But not what I was goin' for sorry- I meant too busy to use the ship's hold-" He guesses, "In general..." He clarifies.

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