Books Tattoos and Realizations

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Heya Descendants! We're back together for another quick Monday sesh, and apparently SCHOOLS BACK IN SESSION! We literally got stuck for an hour waiting for parents to figure out what the fuck to do to pick up their kids who just started middle school... So sorry for you students that are going back! But we hope you do your best and kick it's ass!

On another note! As for Gil's tattoo's, we'll try to draw them, but we were not blessed with that type of creative talent. *cough* Someone please step up and help some sisters out *cough* We'll write you any oneshot/imagine you request with any characters you want and throw it into the Appendix for you, fuck we'll even cross over our SPNL characters for any of you reading both if that's what you want! ( For anyone who is curious) *cough*! Multiple entries just mean multiple imagines/ one-shots of your choosing. It's not like this is an offer for just the winner. It's a win-win for anyone who wants to step up to the plate! And this way they don't have to be cannon, well our cannon, congruent. Think about it! Imagines written by us, for just you yourself and Thou! Fanfiction of fanfiction guys. We do know exactly what he's going to add to each of his family and crew's tattoos, so if you're up to the challenge hit us up. We'll seriously write one for one with any art submission for imagine/oneshot.

Random note for any one curious about T's eventual transition from he to a she... It's going to be complicated as many things with her are. I hope everything clicks when the big reveal happens! We know this story ain't no joke when it comes to reading and retention- Which, yo, sometimes we need you guys to point out continuity errors due to the number of renditions we've done for this bitch, it gets confusing- Like everything else with T, it's going to be a difficult transition for everyone.

Sorry this intro is almost longer than the chapter!

A few days later...

T beams as he makes his way to the docks. It had taken a few trips to the barge but he had finally rummaged through enough of the barges to find what he had spent a couple of weeks hunting for. You'd think he'd been searching for a damn sword, with how hard these books had been to find. He thought about going to Yensid, but he'd easily discarded the idea. He wanted Gil to be able to keep what he found, and this didn't seem like the kind of learning the old man talked about, anyways.

He wasn't sure they'd all be useful, but he was pretty sure it wouldn't hurt either.

When he finally reaches the ship he bounces up the plank as if he owned the ship, as usual.

He ignores the adult sidekicks mulling around the ship, finding himself, not for the first time, annoyed with Uma. Why the fuck did she even let them join her crew. It was one thing if she'd only let one or two join over the last few months. But now the ship was nearly crawling with the fucks.

He couldn't quite put together the why, besides the fact that he didn't find any of them worth his interest. Then again there weren't many on the isle that he found worth in.

He scans the deck for Gil, grinning when he finds him tucked into a nook near the captain's wheel.

"Sup T?" Gil asks as T's shadow falls over him.

T frowns. It seemed his stealth still needed work. Should have come from the side away from the light. Oh well, there was always next time, "Not much." He shrugs as he walks over and plops close enough to Gil that they could reach each other.

The back of Gil's head thuds into the wall behind him before he turns to T with a small, forced grin, "Come ta keep me company while Uma and Harry run the shop?"

"Usually," T smirks as he pulls his messenger bag to his lap, "But not today." He flips his bag open.

Gil furrows his brow as he sits forward, abandoning his woodcarving to his side for the moment.

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