Set Backs

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Another chapter!

We hope you enjoy! And please let us know what you think. We love hearing theories, wants, ideas, favorite things, and answers to the questions at the end of the chapter. We're doing a writing Marathon today, so taking the time to let us know you're reading this is like a first-rate shot of accomplishment... Maybe adrenalin? Or caffeine? We're not sure, but we get so happy when we hear the notification.

Lots of love fellow Descendants,


(See the end of the chapter for Questions.)

The next day... Again...

(It was a busy weekend...)

"Aye, now ya be ah gettin' it princess." Harry taps Hyades' arm as he grins up at her, "Ya be applyin' too much pressure and ya be sendin' yer victim ta sleep."

Hyades releases Harry, helping him regain his balance as a wave crests to their knees.

"Good job Deez." Gil smiles from where he was standing in the shallows. "You're getting a lot better."

"Aye, and ta be thinkin' she once did'nah like any kind'ah fightin'." Harry chuckles. Their fire princess had come a long way. He supposed it helped that she's gotten control of her fire, and the new clothes certainly helped.

Gil chuckles light-heartedly. "Knowing how to do it, doesn't mean she likes it."

"Oh, this is fun when we do it." Hyades grins before she jumps on Harry's back, attempting to wrap her arms around his neck to get him in a headlock again.

"No fair!" Gil calls out. "It's my turn. You've clearly moved past Harry and into the heavyweights."

"I be ah beggin' yer pardon there lad..." Harry glares as he reaches around and pulls Hyades off him like she was no bigger than Shrimpy trying to lay on his back. He holds her above the water, laughing as she kicks and screams.

Gil has the decency to blush, "Not that Harry's a lightweight." He chuckles. "But seriously my turn." He whines. "She beat you fair and square."

"She be ah beatin' me durin' trainin'." Harry grins as he moves to set Hyades on her feet, only to hold her higher in the air.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself Hook." T snorts from the shore.

Harry lowers Deez once more, chuckling at her screams, "Oh look, our skills be so mighty we be ah gatherin' lookers." He grins as he bites his bottom lip, "Ya care ta be ah joinin' us then?"

Gil smiles at the distraction as he snatches Hyades from an unexpected Harry. "Look, now you can fight someone your size." He teases, sweeping her up bridal style as he runs further west up the shore away from Harry's ire.

"And who ya be plannin' ta be ah fightin'?" Harry teases as he winks at T, "More to the point, who she be ah plannin' ta fight?"

T snorts, "An urchin."

"Great... Short jokes..." Hyades rolls her eyes.

"For days," T assures her.

"You two can knock each other the fuck out." Hyades smiles sweetly as she flips T and Harry off.

T chuckles, with no remorse.

"Deez." Gil reprimands. "Don't drop to their level."

"Apparently it's real easy to slip under that bar at her height." T quips back dryly.

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