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I'm so sorry fellow Descendants fans! Have a chapter now, and I'll get another out tomorrow!

The following Friday

Gil beams as he bounds to the beach, his heart nearly exploding with excitement. T told him he and Deez had a surprise for him and he wanted to know what it was. It was rare that he got surprises from either of them, so he couldn't wait to see.

His smile nearly splits his face when he finally catches T's dark hood and D's ombre hair whipping around in the wind.

His energy renews at the sight, his stride picking up until he skids to a halt a few feet away so he wouldn't kick sand up on them. He grins as the two turn to greet him. "Hey guys," He gushes, out of breath as he plops down to sit between them.

Hyades can't help her low chuckle as she leans into his side with a one arm hug, "Glad you could make it."

"Hey big guy." T punches Gil's shoulder playfully.

"So what's up?" Gil scan the area around him for the first time, frowning when he doesn't see any boxes.

"Looking for the apple tarts I've been making?" Hyades asks, her eyes lighting up with her smile.

Gil blushes, as he nods sheepishly. "Did you bring any?"

"Did Deez bring tarts?" T snorts, "Don't be dumb-" He rolls his eyes, "But no treats til snack time." He teases.

Hyades claps excitedly.

Gil looks between the two in confusion. What was he missing? It was never good when these two worked together- It usually spelled trouble.

Hyades rolls to her knees to face Gil, reaching out to place one blindingly white hand on his tan arm, "You know how I always read my work to you?"

"Of course." Gil nods.

"Cool." T nods, as he mimics Hyades' as he moves to his knees, picking up a long thin stick. He stands and walked closer to the wet sand.

"Why?" Gil questions his head tilted to the side.

"What if I didn't have to anymore?" Hyades asks, "You've never said anything about reading yourself, and I love reading to you, but yeah, what if you could read? Would you want to learn?"

That's what this was about? Because they both wanted to teach him to read? Gil blushes again, as he looks away. "Of course I wanna learn." He frowns, "I'm just too dumb." He shifts in discomfort. He didn't want to waste Hyades and T's time with the impossible.

"Gil..." Hyades voice was soft as she leans forward, taking his face in both of her hands, "You are so not dumb. You are... So many amazing things" She smiles as she runs her thumb over the slight cleft in his chin. "But never dumb."

Gil drops his eyes as a frown contorts his lip. He leans into her touch, enjoying the feel of her trying to comfort him. "I mean- I do wanna learn but-" He shrugs, "Jus' sayin all the teachers at school said I was too dumb." He admits as embarrassment burns his cheeks.

"And Mal thinks I'm a retard, what of it?" T calls back over his shoulder as he continues etching in the sand.

Gil reluctantly smiles at T's delivery.

Hyades smiles as her gaze shifts to T before she turns her ocean blue eyes back on him, "Did you know I dropped out of school?"

Gil turns to Hyades with wide eyes, "When?" He asks surprised. "Why? Your so smart..."

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