Curl up and Dye

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Hey Descendants!

Fans of Evie and Dizzy... Are you ready for a fashion montage? We hope so, this next scene is a little choppy, but we really wanted to get the best parts of a girl's day without the chapter dragging.

We hope you enjoy.


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

*A few days later...*

"Come on you two. It's not like we're about to run the tombs. We're getting a spa day." Evie pouts as she half drags Mal and Hyades down the street, "D, come on, you love letting Dizzy pamper you." She tries to persuade her.

"You're right." Hyades sucks in a deep breath before she smiles, "A spa day with Dizzy sounds good."

"Good?" Evie scoffs, "Try amazing." My Dizzy can make anyone look beautiful." She turns her glare on Mal, "Even someone with split ends who doesn't care about her daily skincare routine."

"Give it a rest E. I'm here, aren't I." Mal rolls her eyes, "Why the fuck do people throw parties on this damn isle is beyond me. It's not like anyone actually has fun at them, or can have fun."

"People have fun at parties Mal." Evie tightens her grip around their arms as the Curl up and Dye finally comes into view, "You simply refuse to let your hair down enough to enjoy the admiring looks and party politics. Not to mention the clothes I've put together for us. We're going to rock this party." She shakes her hair back behind her shoulders and fights the wrinkle inducing grin on her face.

Mal rolls her eyes, "Fuck Freddie and her damn invitations."

Evie glares at Mal, her eyes flashing a warning before she turns to Hyades, "Besides, this will be a nice way for us to all catch-up. You've been gone since the night you busted out of the hangout."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Hyades shifts under her hand, "I just, I had to go talk to Yensid is all."

Mal tilts her head to the side before she looks across Evie, "You had to talk to an adult so you ran into a fucking thunderstorm?"

"Oh look, Dizzy's waiting for us." Hyades smiles as she lifts her free arm to wave.

"EVIE!" Dizzy jumps up and down several times as she claps in excitement before she takes off towards them. "Deez!"

"Dizzy!" She smiles broadly. Her concern over Mal's foul mood and Hyades' strange behavior evaporates at the frizzy-haired stylist. She loved her friends, she really did, but no one could dissipate her darker emotions like the little girl rushing forward to her. "So glad you had time for us today."

"I'm so excited you're here!" Dizzy squeals in delight before her face turns thoughtful, "And Granny was strangely happy to make the time available."

"Great." Mal snarks, with a roll of her eyes.

Evie shoots her a glare over Dizzy's head with a small huff. And Mal wondered why Dizzy was never excited to see her. Who would with a reception like that? She shakes her head with disappointment. "This is my first spa day in months Mal. Don't. Ruin. It."

"I'm glad your Granny is finally letting you take on customers. You rock fashion almost as much as Evie." Hyades smiles as she holds out her arms for a hug.

"Thanks!" Dizzy jumps into the hug before she backs up and runs her hands through Hyades' hair, "Are you gonna let me do something about this? I mean I know it's natural, but come on. You would look amazing with more blue and less white, maybe a few streaks of another color too."

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