Fireside Chat

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Hey Descendants!

We hope you enjoy the chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

*A few days later...*

"D? Where are you go-"

The door bangs shut behind her, cutting off the rest of whatever Evie had been saying as she bolts down the fire escape. Her hands slip easily down the wet poles as she slides to the ground, already soaked from the heavy rain.

Usually, she'd stop and take time to enjoy a good storm, but tonight she had to get to Yensid's.

She flat out runs, smiling at the thought of how proud T would be if he could see her. She slips and slides over the slicker of cobblestones as she rushes to Yensid's house, hoping that he'd been watching the fireside chat as well.

She slides past his door, grasping at the rails around a window to help redirect her momentum until she slams into his door. She takes a deep breath and knocks excitedly.

The door opens, "I take it you saw the latest chat?" He lets her in.

"Do you think he was talking about the letters?" She asks hopefully as she steps in.

Yensid chuckles, his eyes bright. "I believe he might be. I don't know what else he could be referring too." He shuts the door behind her. "There aren't many in Auradon in need of second chances."

Hyades grins as she leans back against the door, suddenly aware of how wet she was after her run in the rain and unwilling to ruin anything more than the rug she was one.

"Here." Yensid collects a large towel by the door. "Please, before you..." He narrows his eyes. "Can you dry yourself?"

Hyades blinks up at Yensid for a moment before she blushes, "Right. I forgot."

Yensid lets out a low chuckle before he steps away, as if summoned by the whistle in the kitchen, "I'll go pour our tea."

"Thank you." Hyades chuckles and shakes her head as she summons a low flame around her whole body to speed the process up.

Yensid comes back a moment later, two cups in hand as he smiles at her technique. "You have come such a long way." He observes with pride.

"I've had lots of help." She admits before she pats herself down. Satisfied that she was dry she slips into her normal seat at the table.

"Ah." Yensid smiles, "I've found help often does speed up progress." He hands her favorite mug.

Hyades grins at the star-studded mug before she excitedly taps her fingers on the table, "I can't believe my letters might have helped."

"Of course they did. One does not stick to doing something so diligently for this long, only to yield no results. Most would have given up after months of no response. The rest years. It takes a unique, dedicated visionary such as yourself to stay so devoted to anything of this caliber."

"I gave up a few times." She points out uncomfortably.

"But you always came back to it, and that's what matters. We all have times where we can't carry the torch by ourselves, but you had no one to pass this to, so when you had the strength you picked it back up and kept running yourself. That's very commendable of you Hyades. Not everyone has that kind of stamina. I'm very proud of you. You've grown so much."

Hyades blushes and looks down at her mug of tea, tracing the faint pattern of stars. She wasn't sure how to respond to his claim of being proud. She just knew she liked the feeling.

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