The Exchange

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                                                                         A march to the beach later....

Evie frowns as she files her nails so they were perfect. It was her job to watch their 'hostage' and she was nervous that Mal would notice that she'd cleaned Harry's wounds up a bit. She couldn't see why Harry would make such a show, by himself, unless something big was happening. And like normal, she couldn't smell a whiff of liquor on him.

She knew Mal would be pissed at her, but it had been years since the rats kidnapped one of them. She narrows her eyes as she blows the dust off her nails. It seemed rude to keep him tied up when he'd only been doing them a favor. She blinks. When had she started thinking so favorably of the pirates? Her lips pout, before it softens into a smile. Probably when T had come into her life. Or was it because Harry had gone through so much suffering to do the right thing by Carlos while keeping all their reps intact? She sighs, maybe that was it.

Or a combination of both. That made sense. T never had anything but nice things to say about the group, and then she'd gone and witnessed it first hand. She chews her bottom lip anxiously as her stomach tightens with something more than hunger.

She felt torn.

She was rotten to the core. She knew that like she knew makeup.

And as much as Mal could be cruel- She had her soft moments too. She couldn't hurt her best friend. On the other hand... They had cared enough about Carlos to give him a distraction, to try and keep him from hurting himself as he did far too often. She swallows. What would T do in this situation? The right thing, probably. She takes a deep breath.

When she notices Mal disappearing into Deez' forge she doesn't move, but her eyes soften considerably as she focuses on her nails. "Thank you. For giving him something to clean." She whispers gently, knowing he heard her when he slightly turns his head. She blinks rapidly when she feels her eyes start to burn. The last thing she needed was her mascara to run. "It's been a while since... Just thank you for letting him have that."

Harry nods and shrugs his shoulders, though he doesn't look at her, "Least we could do."

Her lips twitch as she puts her nail file back into her purse and pulls out her compact. "You could have left him in that state... Mal probably would've, and it's what you guys could've done... But you didn't... And that deserves at the very least, a thank you." She begins applying her foundation.

"We be'ah thankin' people with a kiss." He extends his cheek towards her.

"Ah." Evie smiles at the request. It was such a little thing, him asking for her favor. And princesses certainly bestowed favor on men that were deserving. And in this moment, she found him very deserving. Not many on the isle would be willing to risk Mal's ire to help, well anyone, really. She looks back at the hideout, only to find Jay's back before she quickly leans over and kisses his bruise free cheek, sweetly.

"Aye, that be ah makin' it worth it." Harry chuckles as he winks at her.

"And well earned." She smiles as she sits in the same exact position, as if she hadn't moved. A puff already in her hand smoothing out her makeup. "Are they gonna be here soon? Mal has very limited patience when it comes to Carlos' safety...And your tied up." Her eyes narrow when she sees worry lines in the mirror. She drops the puff with a gasp, bringing her hand up to smooth away the line before it could lead to wrinkles.

Harry nods emphatically before he juts his chin in the direction in the docks, "Be lookin' there."

Evie breathes in relief when she sees three figures heading their way. "Oh thank evil." She smiles.

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