Last Straw

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*A few days later...*

T can't help his contented grin as the four of them all silently work together. Carlos was letting him help rebuild the tattoo gun as Gil and Deez worked to pump out as much smithing as possible before Gil got called back the mess at the Chip Shop.

The sound of the hammer hitting smoldering metal was as comforting as the heat radiating from the stone cave. It was a stark contrast to the bitter cold that had come after the rain had finished pouring. His eyes drift over to the source of the heat. He hoped she was cherishing every minute with Gil while it lasted. He knew it was going to suck when he Gil began to suffer from the exhaustion that Harry and Uma were already suffering from. He wasn't going to be able to make these trips during the day for much longer.

He frowns. It was weird to be concerned about the others getting exhausted, but he wasn't sure he'd ever actually experienced the shit he'd seen them go through. Was that normal? It had to be. Everyone was always jumping down each other's throats for not taking care of themselves, but they were hypocritically doing the same things they were complaining about the others doing. His lips quirk into a small grin. Good. At least he did one thing right.

"Hey T, can you put a light on this for me," Carlos asks absently from where he was hunched over a component of the tattoo machine he'd pulled out to clean and inspect.

"Gotchu." T picks up the abandoned flashlight and flicks it on, shining it where Carlos was currently working. It was nice. Working together but separate like this. It was his favorite part of the book club. He felt bad that Deez and Gil couldn't enjoy it the way he and C did. But it's not like he or Carlos could melt metal, or wield a hammer well enough to make great swords.

T looks up when he notices the hammer tings stop.

"Gil, please. You need to take a break." Hyades begs as she stands in front of the anvil, holding out a bottle of water.

T's eyes sweep over Gil, his frown returning when he notices how rough the other boy looked. "She ain't wrong, man." He adds his concern. He knew Gil would end up powering through it. They all did it when called for, and Gil would definitely consider this task called for.

"I can keep goin' Deez," Gil whines, though he does lay the hammer aside to take the offered bottle.

A smile curves T's lips. Leave it to Gil to disagree while complying at the same time. It was sweet to watch. He loved these moments. Where he got to see these three in their element. Deez' literally. But still, ya know, just being comfortable enough with each other to drop the act they all put on for everyone else. It was nice to just be able to be themselves without fear of what the other people around you might think.

Hyades stops her foot, "Don't make me half drown you trying to force it down your throat." She slaps the bottle into his hand.

Carlos looks up at Hyades' tone, "What's going on?" he side whisper to T.

"Gil's tired and needs a break," T explains simply, "But is bein' stubborn, for" He turns away from Carlos, "GOOD REASON." He says voice much louder than it needed to be.

Hyades rolls her eyes at T before she looks back to Gil and grabs his free arm, "Please sit with me. Just for a moment."

T can't help his amused smile when Gil simply looks at Hyades and complies.

"If you really think it's okay..." Gil responds hesitantly.

"We can talk about the design of Uma's sword. I know you did some sketches." She turns and grabs Gil's bag, "See, still working."

Gil's look of frustration dissipates at the suggestion. "Yeah, that makes sense... Maybe we should finish up your sword and work on her's next instead?"

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