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Thanks for letting me know I missed the notes in the chapter F.C. ;)

As asked, second update today. We hope you enjoy.

A few hours later...

"I'm fine. Last night I just-" Hyades drops her eyes, unable to find any words for last night.

"I'm not here bout last night." T crosses his arms over his chest as he looks away.

"Oh good." Hyades crosses her arms over her chest tenderly. Her hands were fully healed and the pain just a distant memory, drastically overshadowed by the humiliation of her failure, "But that doesn't really change anything. I have some, stuff, I need to work on."

T lifts a brow as he studies Hyades in disbelief. "Yeah, don't think so." He shakes his head. "You need out of this-" He gestures to the tombs around them. "And I already told Gil I'd bring you." He shrugs. "You're coming. Brooding won't undo last night..."

"I did tell Gil I wanted to hang out today-" Hyades sighs, "I just-"

"Just nothing." T shrugs, "You made a commitment to Gil." He reminds her. "Don't add deliverer to messenger." He threatens dryly. "I won't be nearly as delicate as Gil."

Hyades takes a step back, "Not funny."

T rolls his eyes, "Wasn't joking princess." He shakes his head. "Look... I can't pretend that last night didn't happen. We both know what happened. We both know it was an accident. You told the prick to let go, not your fault if he had a death wish... Albeit I doubt that makes it any easier for you... But it's not like this is the first prick you fried and let's be honest princess I doubt it'll be the last. Stupid runs rampant here, and you seem to draw it like a magnet."

Hyades blinks, "Wait, you- You know about- How?" How? She'd never had it happen when anyone else was around. She was always so careful when she was around the others. The others only happened when she was surprised. Or in this instance, scared.

"Well that's the first time I've been up close and personal while you fried a prick extra crispy- But it's kinda hard to miss the screaming Deez...And if ya haven't noticed, I tend to come running..." He shifts as he looks away a blush on his cheeks.

An unexpected smile turns Hyades' lips, "I have kinda noticed your hero complex." She sighs, knowing that T wasn't going to be distracted that easily, "But... I just... I need time. It-" She squeezes her eyes shut, shaking at the memory of her father's rage, "I- when I make a mistake... I need to take time to work on my... Whatever this stupid fire and stuff is."

"Tch, I fucking knew you were going to say that." T rolls his eyes. "But I don't care and neither does Gil, Harry, and Uma..."

"You don't understand-"

"No, I don't think you understand." T shakes his head. "I'm not leaving til you do. Beating yourself up and brooding over last night ain't helpin' no one."

"That's not what I'm doing-" She stops at T's look of disbelief. "Fine, that's not all I'm doing."

"Look, I'm not going to pretend that it isn't a big deal that you straight up fried someone extra crispy last night-"

Hyades makes a noise somewhere between a hoarse scream and a growl of frustration. It wasn't just about the man she'd killed. Yes, she was angry with herself for letting her fear take over, but she wasn't deaf to her friends' objections either. The man had wanted her to go with him. She'd warned him. And here they were. But it wasn't just about him; her father had warned her. He was obviously losing patience.

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