Broken Glass

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Hi again,

Short and sweet... Thanks for tagging me back in, we hope you're ready for some hurt/comfort.

And Some T and Carlos...



(See the end of the chapter for a couple of questions.)

The Next Day...

"I'm good man," Carlos grins at T standing outside Hell Hall, "but not that good."

T tilts his head to the side? "Good on what?"

"Not here for the camera?" Carlos furrows his brow as he steps aside to let the other boy in.

"Oh." T shakes his head. "Nah. Figured that would take more than a day to do anything with." He steps into the house. "Your mom-"

"-is at the spa." Carlos shrugs, "She ran out of booze today and declared she needed a vacation."

T frowns as he looks over Carlos in concern, noting the dark circles under his eyes, before he looks around the house. There were furs all laid out in the process of being groomed. The normally spotless home had broken glass and cigarette butts everywhere. Tables and chairs knocked over. Even the couch was on its side.

"Yeah..." Carlos shifts awkwardly as he watches T, "I uh... I fell behind on some things around the house in my... attention on the swords..."

"Dude, you are talking to the king of accidents over here." T sighs as he runs a hand over his hair and lets out a heavy sigh before looking back to Carlos. "Here." He digs out a brown paper bag, the bottom covered in grease stains, and hands it to him. "It's probably a bit cold, sorry." He apologizes before he continues to the living room, and without a word starts cleaning it.

Carlos tilts his head to the side as he looks the sack over. "No problem, I can heat it up in the oven." He grins as he heads to the kitchen.

"You do you, kid," T calls back, as he starts moving the furniture back to where he remembered it.

"It shouldn't take long-" Carlos stops as he walks in on T cleaning, "Oh, you don't have to-

"I know." T shakes his head. "But I wanted to chill with you- Might as well do something productive while we do it..."

"But it's my job-"

"I know that C." T shrugs, "But it'll get done quicker if we both do it. Then we can do something else."

Carlos blushes, but nods. "If you're sure..."

"When am I not?" T teases back, not bothering to look up as he continues moving the furniture.

"You know, by your own admission you're never sure about anything."

T waves his hand dismissively, "Okay- Fair," He chuckled lowly, "For once then."

"As long as we're on the same page." Carlos grins as he turns back to the kitchen. He comes back with trash bags, broom, dustpan, and a bucket of cleaning supplies. "Gloves?"

T shrugs, before he walks over and takes the offered gloves, and takes the broom and dustpan. "I got the glass." He offers as he takes the supplies and gets to work.

Carlos nods as he turns to start cleaning surfaces.

T frowns as he notices the reddish-brown color on some of the shards as if they'd broken skin on their way to the floor. His gut twists, as he continues cleaning. Was it always like this here? He'd heard mention of the howls that came from Hell Hall... But he'd never seen the aftermath of one of Cruella's fits. His jaw clenches. He fucking hated the OVs so much at that moment. He lets out a sigh as he continues cleaning. His eyes constantly flicker to Carlos. Noting the way he favored his right side. The sluggishness of his actions. The way he was slow to pick anything up. It hurt his fucking heart so much his eyes burned.

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