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Early the next Morning...

Well he wish he hadn't had seen that. Mal was going to murder him if she ever found out he'd been a spider on the wall during that shit show. He'd never seen Mal so pissed- Or more interestingly, so protective of her subordinates, even going as far to include D.

It was...


He didn't have the right words. He'd been slapped in the face plenty of times, but none had ever resonated around a room like that. He hoped it was because of the stone. However the way it had sent her flying he doubted it.

He sighs as he rubs the back of his neck. He was shocked she had the balls to step to her mom in the first place- He'd always assumed she just rolled over- Faustina definitely would have. And did so regularly, to his disgust.

He narrows his eyes as he picks up his pace. He didn't need to think about shit he shouldn't have witnessed.

Twice. Something like this had happened. It wasn't the first time he'd witnessed one of his friends being abused.

And this wasn't the first time he'd frozen while witnessing it. He hated himself for that... Just letting it happen. His fists clenched at his side. Some fucking hero. He scoffs. Some fucking martyr he was.

Where the fuck had his will to die go? He wouldn't have hesitated if he'd witnessed this shit a couple years ago. He would've died in the temple. Had smashed against concrete or something. When the fuck had his motives changed?

He shakes his head.

So not the time for that shit. He only had about two hours til curfew, which didn't leave a lot of time for this.

Usually he hated sharing secrets. Loathed it even. But this one he couldn't let stand. Not this time. Not something that would affect the others' so deeply.

He flies over the docks from crate to barrel stacks, every powerful leap getting him closer to his goal.

Where the fuck was everyone? He questions when he lands on an empty deck. There was always someone on watch. He flinches when a sudden noise breaks the silence. The sound coming from the cabin, followed by a loud shriek of rage.

Oh. That wasn't good. He cautiously approaches the captains quarters, grimacing when something else inside the cabin shatters.

"Where the hell is she!?" Uma growls, "Or your fuckin' boyfriend for that matter! I thought you said he followed her! I thought he was going to bring her back." Each sentence punctuated with the sounds of furniture flipping.

"He did Uma." He hears Gil attempt to assure the captain, but his voice was weak. From uncertainty, emotion, or exhaustion, he didn't know. Maybe all three.

He lets his head hit the door, wincing as the rough wood presses into the bruise he was sure covered half his face. Oooh. He so didn't want to do this. She was so pissed. And he had enough injuries to explain away today.

T's heart drops when the door opens and a large arm seizes him, ending his dream of leaving as he's yanked into the dark.

"Getinhererightfuckingnow!" Uma snaps before the door is slammed shut, cutting off his only escape.

Gil releases him before he backs off, but not before T sees the red rims around his eyes. The sight broke his heart.

"Did you guys already hear?" T asks as he scratches the back of his head, looking around the room in amazement. Uma'd thrown everything that wasn't nailed down.

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