A Short Alliance

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Seconds later...

Gil doesn't think as he pulls back his fist and punches T in the face, sending him to the ground.

"Gil!" Carlos shakes his head as he tries to get even smaller in the back of the hideout. What the hell was happening? One second everything had been fine, and now? Now, it was chaos. Gil was every bit the brute he'd once judged him to be, and T was laid out on the sand unmoving. D was gone, sacrificed herself to her father's wrath to keep them safe- He presses a hand to his chest.

T still wasn't moving. His thumping heart was beating so fast and hard he was sure it was going to pop out of his chest. Fuck. Could Gil hear it? He blinks as the world spins. What was going on! It hurt to breathe. He fists twist into the fabric of his shirt, making it stretch oddly over his chest.

He swallows, a whimper leaves him as his entire body begins to tremble. T still wasn't moving. He hated this.

He swallows, he wished he'd never agreed to this. He had known it was going to end badly. That was the most solid punch he'd ever seen Gil throw.

He needed to do something. Needed to calm them down, something, anything! But he couldn't seem to move. Everything was moving so fast and so slow.

Everything had been going so smoothly. What happened?

Hades showed up- And now everyone was fighting-And Deez was gone and he felt trapped.

T wasn't moving. Fuck. T still wasn't moving. T wasn't moving.

He tries to swallow, but his mouth was dry. Had Gil killed him with that punch? He'd flown pretty far. And he still wasn't moving. And Gil looked more livid than he'd ever seen him. He couldn't breathe.

"S'no big, pup." T finally gruffs, his hand coming up to wipe away the blood trailing from his nose,. He grimaces as he drops his hand. His nose was clearly broken, and bruises were already forming under both eyes.

He tosses his hood back on before he stumbles back to his feet. "I need to go after D." He looks between them, his normal monotone voice more nasally. "I've never heard of any OV's besides Maleficent come out to fetch their kids themselves. Especially cause, ya know, imps."

Gil narrows his eyes as stomps closer and grabs fistfuls of T's baggy shirts, "YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO-"

"Guys..." Carlos wheezes unintelligibly.

"What were you gonna do man?" T stares up at him, completely unphased.

Carlos grimaces as he shrinks smaller, curling into a ball. What was T thinking? Another whimper leaves his throat.

Gil starts to shake T, "I could have-"

"Guys!" Carlos calls out in desperation, his voice thin and muffled but certainly louder than before.

T's eyes narrow as he turns to Carlos in concern.

Gil lets go of T's shirt at the sound of Carlos' voice cracking. His eyes widen in surprise.

"Fuck." T frowns as he steps back. "You're gonna have to take care of that." He pats Gil's back. "Mal and Uma need to know, about this, somethings up. Besides you're better at calming people down."

Carlos lets out a squeak, "No-"

"You'll be fine C," T promises him. "Gil was just upset." He turns to Gil with narrowed eyes. "Right?"

"Right." Gil glares at T, "I'll make sure C is alright. So go."

T nods, "I'll bring her back." He promises them before he turns and starts racing in the direction of the temple.

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